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We are back!

Okay we never actually went anywhere, life just got busy. It sure has been an adjustment. It has been a long time since I worked full...

Something Actually Happened

I know shocking. Here I thought nothing interesting was going to happen this month. At the end of Jan. I applied for a job in a school. I...


I promise there will be more frequent blogs again at some point. Two Mondays ago there was nothing to update on. It was a pretty boring,...

Well that got Away From Me!

Hey Guys. Sorry that has been so long. I kinda left it hanging there on with the washing machine didn't I? Well, let me just jump right...

I give up!

I am once again sorry that this is late. I am no longer going to promise the weekly blog especially now that it is winter so we have less...

Sorry again!

Sorry, once again I am behind with the blog. I promise it was for a good reason. Be prepared for a long blog. Okay, well let us jump...

Got to get moving!

Well this past week we didn't get as much done on the house projects as we had planned. Hopefully this coming week we can finish up the...


We have had quite a productive week! We got several projects completed or started! I even have some pictures for this blog! Less reading...

Look at me go!

Back on track with the blog again! This week hasn't had alot of things happen but what has has been very exciting, though not always in a...

Catch Up

Again so sorry, I am so far behind. This post may be a little longer than some to catch up with the times. We have actually had a lot...

Fall Planting

Geez, well apparently James and I are both off our game. He forgot to finish editing this post, then post it. At least I am only actually...

A week

The last week was normal. We did not get a ton done beyond the usual house work and such that needs to be done weekly. Though I did start...

Accomplishments feel good!

Before you start. I know, I know, once again it is Monday, not Sunday, this is being posted. I figured I would wait until now to write...

Well that was a week

This past week was all about getting all the things we bought set up and ready to use and ready to send the kids to school. There was the...

Well, we got a lot of things.

This past week was a busy one. We didn't get a ton done but we sure bought a lot of things to get stuff done. We drove all over the place...

Smoky Again

The start of this week was really good weather and no smoke! Unfortunately, we all ended up not feeling all that well. We didn't get much...

Mission: Save the Raspberries

Now that we are mostly unpacked we have started figuring out everything we would like to do with the yard. Item one was to clear up and...

Ahh a break from the heat!

Hey everyone, here is to trying to get back to posting every Sunday evening. This weekend has been so nice! The week was full of...

Compost Pile

There is quite a compost pile in the garden already, plus a manure pile by barn and pig pen thing. Our goal is to set up the compost so...

Missed you all

Sorry it has been awhile again. I got busy with life and then we went away for a little while to finally see some family! So let the...

Blog: Blog2
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