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Hello again from my lovely house! We are home. We have a lot of appointments coming but this week we have just the liver transplant clinic visit in Calgary! Next week will be all the blood work and doing physio. In case you all are wondering is it we, Kyla? Isn't it just James? It is we until he can drive which won't be until the end of May. He will need me to be home with him to help with a variety of things (very restricted on lifting and activity still), drive him to all the places, and keep him as busy as possible so he doesn't go crazy. Here has been how this first week has gone! Make that the last two weeks.... sorry!

Monday was final blood work in Edmonton, final physio with the clinic here and fetching enough drugs to get James through a couple months. Most of his drugs can be filled locally but his immunosuppression meds have to be shipped from the Edmonton hospital. We finished packing up all the things we could that we don't need for morning. It is a lot. Pots, pans, food, clothes, medicine and different weather clothes.

Tuesday April 9th we were on our way home! I got up at 8 and loaded the car while James ate and took all his meds. Off we headed by 9 am to home! We got home in time to eat lunch, unpacked and had a visit with my mom! Then it was time to surprise the kids! They did not know we were coming and everyone managed to keep it a secret. I surprised Rory in his class and Brynn in her gym class. She cried. After I grabbed them they got to see James who waited close to the office so he didn't have to walk all over the school.

Here I am hugging Brynn, all the other children are grade 3 kiddos I have worked with for years! They all gave me a group hug as well, before Brynn even noticed me! No faces for you.

After the fun part Wednesday was a lot of running around after physio in the morning. We had to go pick up some things we needed, see if the pharmacy we use would accept the shipment of immunosuppression so that we wouldn't need to drive into Calgary to get them. Luckily they did! We picked up the kiddos and got back to routine. Then Thursday was James' clinic day!

Clinic was good! They were happy with all of James' numbers, but said it was too early for him to be driving still:(. Chauffeur I shall be until the end of May. The doctor said that once a week blood work would be just fine and that by next clinic, May 16, they should have an idea of when they can start taking him off the prednisone. Since this his blood work has almost all normalized (liver numbers are normal, Yay for being pale!), just some vitamin and a couple blood things like hemoglobin that is still a little low and magnesium. Not worryingly low just below normal! I have one complaint that is also a Yay! He feels so good he is getting harder to remind that he is still under three months post surgery! (in fact today when I am finishing the blog he is exactly 8 weeks).

Now between school runs, appointments and physio we are doing different things. I have to keep his mind busy without him doing crazy amounts physically. We are cleaning and organizing our Lego (KIDS!!/MICE!!), changed all the deadbolts on our doors and the lock handles on the basement door to ones with key and code (old ones had no key option and kept failing), planning and prepping for gardening. We both miss work! I guess at least we are in it together.

Now for last week! My dad brought my niece for our daughters birthday! We spent the days leading up during spring break cleaning and baking for their arrival. They came Thursday and stayed until Sunday. My mom came up the Thursday night, then had a thing in Calgary until Saturday night when she came back and even my brother popped by for a few hours. The kids had days of bubble blowing, swimming and playing non-stop! My dad helped set up the trampoline, get the tractor running, get the push mower going smoothly and convinced the children to help clean up the yard and gather sticks! He is a miracle worker. He also taught them to drive the tractor (bribery for helping clean the yard)!

Baked so much banana bread and muffins! This is only the mini muffins. I made two loaves and 6 giant muffins.

The pet dryer came just in time for the dogs to roll in something that shouldn't exist and need a bath.

Thor likes it, Odin doesn't. The fur tornado that came off of Thor was both horrifying and impressive!

The cake!

Birthday Girl!

Now we are back to normal-ish. Cleaning, taking kids to school, physio and blood work! I will try to remember to do another blog this weekend if we get anything not boring done! Talk to you all later!

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