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I promise there will be more frequent blogs again at some point. Two Mondays ago there was nothing to update on. It was a pretty boring, thankfully normal, week. Then this past Monday we were all sick.

I tell you this illness thing is getting annoying. I didn't think being stuck at home sick instead of having to function would suck so bad. I am for protecting others so we stay home with any illness, but it sucks. On Friday we got up to get the kids ready for school. Just after waking up our daughter she was super stuffed up and our son woke up with a cough, so no school for them. I had a sore throat as well so we did a temperature check. I had a fever, so no work for me. Since the majority of us were ill out came the rapid tests. All negative and here we are five days out and everyone but me is back to normal, healthy with three negative covid tests. Yay, not covid! The kids can go back to school tomorrow (Wednesday) now that they have had no symptoms for over 24 hours. I, however, am stuck still since my immune system just bows down and welcomes all colds to have a party in my lungs. I am glad so far that the signs of bronchitis have stayed away! Now to get better at the very least before my birthday this weekend and moving day for a family member we are helping to move soon.

My birthday is this coming weekend. I wish I was more excited about it. I am not bothered by getting older, after all I am grateful for every year I get. This however is the last year in my life that I had my brother for most of my life. Next year he will have been gone for half of my life. Why this bothers me more now than in the few years after he died is beyond me, but it does. For those who don't know this I had a twin brother who died when we were teenagers. Well I think I will stop there before this becomes more sad. Though my parents, kids and husband all bought me Doctor Who DVD's for my birthday so I am very excited about that!

I am hoping that next month there will be more going on. We want to get on painting our bedroom. We also have some early planting to start. Oh, I should post the colours we are thinking for the bedroom and maybe you all can help us decide. We are struggling to pick a specific colour. James is leaning more to green and I am leaning toward the blue. I will post them! If I am not to lazy you will see them just below this paragraph. If, I am very lazy there will not and I will include them next time.

I added them! We are wanting to do a darker colour on the bottom part of the wall and then a lighter version on the upper part of the wall. The room is currently completely white.

Now for a cute photo!

Odin figured our son needed a snuggle or maybe to be pinned while I bandaged a cut on his foot. Shockingly, it did not work to make our son lay still.

Well, that's all for now. Bye until next time!

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