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Accomplishments feel good!

Before you start. I know, I know, once again it is Monday, not Sunday, this is being posted. I figured I would wait until now to write the blog since it is a long weekend, which gives us more time to finish planned tasks! Yay, us! This week was another busy week. Lets see where is begins!

Monday: Had a small freak out knowing my kids would both be starting school this week! I spent the day writing the blog, prepping school supplies, and sorting out old, small clothes. Our daughter out grew a lot of her wardrobe! Thankfully the Thrift store in Didsbury had a lot of clothes in her size! Then, thanks to that haul plus the ridiculous amount of clothing my family manages to wear in one week, I had so much laundry to do. I did manage to get all the loads done! Yay, me!

Tuesday: Cue continued freak out that my oldest is going into Grade 1. Some how Kindergarten was easier to say good bye to her for. Cruelly, she did not want me to drive her to school. Our daughter decided she wanted to have her Dad drive her to a friends house and have her and her older sister walk her to school. Her friends older sister in watching both kids before and after school for a little until James is off work. She loved her first day! Thank goodness because she was incredibly nervous and we didn't want it to be a bad day and make that fear worse! Now our son was excited as he got a Mom and Son day! We played together for most of the day and did a little gardening before the storm hit. Right as I as prepping dinner the wind picked up and the rain started. James called and said him and our daughter were parked on the side of the road waiting out the hail. Sigh. So much rain, hail, and wind. Supper however was Delicious! Mmmmm.. Naan and spicy chicken patties minus the spicy for the children. I will place a link to the Gluten Free Naan recipe below! Then it was time for Our son's first day of school.

Wednesday: Sob! Both our kids are now in school.... Our son of course was very excited to start school. He did want his mom to take him to school so I drove them both in! And for the first time I got to go grocery shopping with no children and no rush to be somewhere else! That was surprisingly fun! Then it was home to deal with putting the grocery stuff away, checking out the garden for damage and finishing the last bit of laundry. The only loss from the storm was half a pepper plant. So, far the rest of the plant is doing great and we were able to harvest some of the peppers from the broken part. After getting a lot done with no children fighting I was off to pick the kids up! Our son's biggest excitement for the day was making friends who are boys. Boys; can you believe it! This is because he has only been able to play with girls from our cohort families and of course our relatives. All the boys he knows are either older or younger then he is. He was so tired he slept early, which if you know our son you know is a miracle.

Picture with the Rainbow after the storm before school!

The had to harvest of the broken part of the pepper plant. We used a couple on our pizza one night!

The rest of the week days were repeats of the above, then it was time for the weekend!!

This weekend we got a fair amount done. We got a good chunk of the weeding done in two days, which was really nice to have help for. Today we took a break from the weeding, it is shockingly hard on the hands. Then on Sunday during the weeding I got a horrible migraine and had to take my medicine and lay down for a few hours, so I could function when we had company later in the day. James, however, was still very productive. He got some more weeding done then moved on to converting the greenhouse to solar power. He bought the panel a couple weeks before to try for the greenhouse to run the lights and the vent fan. It was on sale! Two days later nothing has blown up and we don't have to run a extension cord to the house to run everything. If this goes well we are hoping to do the same to the cozy cabin, the nickname for our yard shed. After all this my in-laws came out for dinner and a visit and friends of ours came out after dinner for a fire! It was great seeing everyone!

Below is the panel placed on the roof!

The battery and converter.

The vent fan.


And because it is growing everywhere and has invaded the greenhouse. I will be digging some more horseradish in the next couple weeks if anyone wants some. Horseradish forest is not wanted in the greenhouse.

Again if anyone is looking for a house in Maple Creek, Sask. It is a beautiful house with a fully finished basement. Only 20 minutes to the beautiful Cypress Hills and 45 minutes to Medicine Hat, AB, for a very great price! My kids would really like the grandparents to move here sooner rather than later!

Now back to progress. We finally, after putting it off for a long time, organized the yard shed! There was so much stuff that didn't belong in there, plus we needed to put up hooks to hold the yard stuff. The only thing left to do is put up some shelves for the things that can't hang on the walls. Not very exciting to write about but it looks so much better as I will show you!

See ridiculous amount of things, most of this did not go back into the cozy cabin.

Mowers, can get to them easily its a miracle!

Hanging on the wall and just need a clip holder for the rakes and they will be on the wall too.

Just neatly organized stuff.

That was all for the week. Talk to you all later and maybe actually on Sunday. I really should rethink the Sunday plan for upload....

Now for the recipe for the Naan!

Seriously so good! I do the serve warm with butter(dairy free) and garlic!

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