Well this week has been fairly productive! Man does it feel good to get things done! I have a few updates, plus a new project that wasn't on the books that got completed! Where shall I begin? Lets start with chickens.
The chickens! The number we currently sit at is 36 money wasters. 26 are currently growing like weeds and will hopefully start laying eggs in the next month or so, minus 1 that is a boy. He will be joining the 10 other money wasters to the butcher this fall. We don't want any babies. The other 10 money wasters have either stopped laying or found spots we can't get into to lay their eggs. No eggs for 2 months. And maybe you noticed I said 10, not 11. That's right one of our soon to be soup chickens got eaten. Not by us, but by a coyote or fox. She wouldn't go in the coop one night and we weren't going to chase her all over the yard so..... we woke to a lot of feathers on the ground and a missing chicken. Hopefully the other chickens have learned from her death and will stay safe until we have them murdered for dinner. I should maybe take a picture of them soon. On to things I do have pictures of.
Project "New", which started from a purchase of a sign at home hardware. This sign is one of my favourite things I have bought for the house. The children thought we should put it on the gate but it isn't made for outside so where should it go? The wood wall! And if we were putting that up maybe we had other pictures and such that would work well on that wall as well. We did have a ton of pictures to hang that have been sitting in James' office for 2 years. So what is this sign that gave me ideas.....

Hehe... I love it. James pointed it out to me in the store and I thought it said chickens at first but when I realized it was children I knew it needed to come home. I then spent an hour planning out the wall with pictures and such that I thought would work with the sign and the horse picture we already had up! Here is the finished product after James got home from work and was able to hang all of them!

Here is what the planning wall looked like/what we started with:

Project done!
Now let's talk about the garden. One and half beds of potatoes were ready to harvest, so the kids and I went out and pulled/dug them out of the beds. Here is what our hard work brought us!

We still have a bed and half of the blue potatoes. They haven't fallen over yet though so will probably harvest them in a week or two. The reds mostly came out with the plant with only a little digging. The fingerlings all had to be dug. My son and I had to dig though the whole bed. My daughter wisely stood by and brought us containers and stayed clean. We have also had a lot of raspberries, shockingly none have actually made it into the house. Thor who likes to ignore his collar when it alerts him to crossing the fence line has also been helping himself to some raspberries. We will be able to harvest some garlic and onions soon as well!
Our son with the biggest potato find of the year so far!

I cleaned the cabin! I didn't take any before pictures. I really should have. It was a utter disaster in there. Kid stuff everywhere, pool poles for a pool we no longer have, lawn care items, etc. I wanted to clean it up because I was looking for our storage containers for curing the potatoes and onions. Now for the best part, the evidence that sometimes I accomplish things (we will all pretend not to notice all the laundry I didn't complete while doing the shed and filling a hole dug by Thor under the deck). Look at all that floor space! We need to sell the green mower and some other stuff, but all the bikes fit inside the cabin and I got our baby chicken bin in as well!

I am currently crashing hard from all the stuff I have done this week and am trying to give myself grace as we have a busy weekend. The hubby and I will be resting all of tonight as the next great project is about to begin tomorrow!
The deck! We have the wood to replace the top boards we removed last year and have fully removed all the boards now! Here is a picture of James and our daughter removing the remaining boards (I helped too though since I take the pictures one would never know). I did the half with the half closest to me, the photo taker.

The wood! Now to install it and complete the deck.

Now because my husband and I tend to like to pretend neither of us has chronic fatigue we have also planned a zoo day (to celebrate our anniversary with the kiddos, postponed to this weekend as they went to camp with my in laws, bless them), it's also days of yore this weekend and we promised the spray park in Three Hills. So here is hoping for a good energy weekend or zoo and/or spray park will have to be postponed. The deck is a must. Hopefully the rails will arrive soon as well so we can put those up on both decks! Then it will be time to set up the dog run and gate on both decks! Once again we will be able to enjoy our when conditions are perfect mountain views, or at least the beautiful view of our land and all the farm land around us.
Our anniversary! Can you believe it, we have made it to 13 years of marriage! 17 years together. As we are both 34 we have now been together for over half our lives. We had a kid free Saturday night, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday morning! Thanks very much to my in-laws! James and I celebrated by going out for supper with our best friend and his girlfriend, then going to see Barbie at the VIP theatre in Calgary! 18 and over only! It was the best experience. Service to your seat, including grown up drinks! We were in the worst and best seats. Worst view of the screen but lounge chairs that the back could recline more and could adjust the head cushion, and had seat warmers! The rest of the theatre still looked very comfy with, recliners though. The seats also have little tables that you can swing in front of you or off to the side! Best experience!
Hmm, was there something else I needed to post about? wall, deck, garden, shed..... I swear there was something else. I have to go to Costco next week to buy the food for the fence weekend... no thats not it. Well it can't have been to important if it has escaped my noggin. So I guess I will give a health update for me. No word on my sleep study yet and as for my plan to go off my allergy meds and migraine meds to see if it would help the fatigue. Yeah that didn't go well. The migraine meds made it two weeks, turns out I do still need them and pain also makes me tired so back on those I went, still sticking with the bare minimum. Allegry meds, well I made it a month and a half of wanting to scratch my eyes out and itchy ears and skin(inculding more episodes of hives). Thank goodness for my new inhalar, so limited lung issues, go steriods! However my allergies are driving me crazy and harvest is beginning so I am caving and going back on. It didn't help going off them anyways, and I can not take the itching anymore. I will go off again in the winter. James health is same, same. Still waiting to go to appointments in Sept,
I think that is all. So I hope you all have a great long weekend! Talk to you all later!