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Ahh a break from the heat!

Hey everyone, here is to trying to get back to posting every Sunday evening. This weekend has been so nice! The week was full of appointments, company, weeding the garden and normal day to day. This weekend though has been fun and exciting.

Starting Friday, we finally were able to go out with a friend of ours and his significant other! The kids got to go to a friends house and have a sleepover; while we got to go out for supper and and a movie! It had been almost a full year since we had last seen our friends due to life and the pandemic. I believe it has been more than two years since we had last been to a movie, so big night! The movie we saw was Jungle Cruise! I really enjoyed the movie! Then we move on to Saturday!

Saturday started out lazy since we didn't have two kids waking us up at 6 am (though they were in bed til 7 am at their friends house.... so unfair; always up at 5 or 6 am for us). James went to get the kids while I got the boring house work done. We listed a bunch of the corral fencing for sale that we got with the house and one of the two horse shelters. We don't need all of it since we can't have horses. The horse shelter got picked up! The corral was all taken down and stacked for the person who is supposed to come on Monday to pick it up! The fields look even bigger without the fence and horse shelter breaking it up. James also went to look at a truck for sale! We should be the proud owners of a second hand truck come Monday! And that concluded Saturday!

Today, otherwise known as Sunday, has been a busy day as well. I started my day by making a big dent in the massive amount of weeds still in the garden. James started his by cutting and setting up some shelves in what will now be our butlers pantry. Finally going to be able to store stuff that doesn't fit well in the cupboards there! The kids and dog just ran around "helping", which really means being in the way, but at least they are cute and learning things. After lunch, I began moving rocks out of what will be the rock garden and placing them as markers for where I want to expand into the grass and for the second fire pit! James then came and helped me with this. He used the big rototiller to mark the edge of the garden and to get the fire pit area some what ready. I finished the fire pit area with the little rototiller!

Now for a picture of where the fire pit is going to go! We have to find the other patio stone like the three in the picture to finish this square then we will be adding stones and gravel all around in a circle to make the fire pit area. I am so excited for when we finish.

After we have this well under way we will start working on sections of the garden to make it easier as this took all afternoon to do.

I forgot one thing. So when we moved out here we had all these large leaf things popping out all over the garden and pulling them had no effect. We looked up what it was and turns out it is horseradish, which we definitely don't like. We decided to finally dig it out in some areas although it was a little early so apparently that means it will be a little milder. We are giving it to some family that like it. Hopefully every year as we dig it out eventually it will stop growing. The roots on it are ridiculous. This is just a small amount of the plants growing all over. There is even more in the area we are going to turn into additional garden space next year. The roots are so long and they go down and then take a side path and just go on and on.......

Next year in the fall if anyone wants to come help dig it out we pay in veggies and horseradish! Well that is all for this week. Now I have to go prep waffle mix for chicken and waffles for dinner! Talk to you all later!

Ps. Thinking that as I adapt recipes for our family using garden stuff and gluten free I may add them here or links to recipes that are delicious!

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Aug 17, 2021

Really enjoying your posts!

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