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Banana Bread or Sugar Cookies?

Okay so it is time to start some of the baking while I am cleaning and decorating the house. The dilemma for me this week is do I do the banana bread skulls or do I do Halloween shaped sugar cookies? Or both? I have all the basic ingredients for all my recipes but need the filler, the good stuff. I will let the shopping decide.

Haha oh goodness. I forgot I had started a blog a month ago.... geez well the question no longer applies as I made both! Let's see, what all happened in the last month. A lot and what feels like not enough at the same time. I have been so tired that by the time I get to the time I have to write the blog it doesn't happen. I will begin the blog with health updates then go to all the stuff we have done and end with halloween pictures!

*We are alive! Sorry again. Time got away from me, and I really need to fire my editor. It is currently December 18th hahaha....... Well here is this blog I will be back soon with an updated and very long blog. SORRY!

Transplant update: James is officially off hold and active on the list. Now we are finishing gathering all the things we need for our go bags and waiting for the call. We are ready but also feel absolutely unprepared. Do wex have everything ready? Yes. Are the people who are our back up informed? Yes. Are we done all the house stuff for safety? Yes. Damn it though I feel so not ready. It will likely be a few months or more before we get that call but it is terrifying.

Me: I have finished my trial of the CPAP. Did it work? Yes. I am now the owner of my very own CPAP. My events have gone from 20 an hour to less than 1 an hour. I did have to change the mask as I am a very light sleeper and the one I had although perfect for not irritating my face(minimal straps) was too loud. I got the new one and have been sleeping much better. Ahh, but earlier I said I am so exhausted I haven't been able to do the blog. That has not improved, actually has gotten worse. I do still have some days without a headache but have also been getting severe migraines again. Here's to hoping that straightens out soon. This however stopped me from blogging but I have still gotten a lot done otherwise! I will likely be blogging less and focusing all my energy on getting the stuff done. we will update when we feel up for it.

Chicken coop, but Kyla I thought you had finished the coop and the chickens were living in a palace. Sigh, we did but the stupid birds don't seem to like safety. We got it all done and all was good for a few days. Until one day I go outside and there is a chicken outside the coop. Kyla maybe it was one of the ones that got loose while moving them. I wish. She is a very distinct chicken so it was, definitely an escaped bird.

See what I mean, she is our only bird that looks like this. Turns out they were climbing on top of the coop part and leaping to their doom through the larger opening fence. This meant we spent 3 hours covering the coop side with the smaller opening fence. Now that it is getting colder you would think they would be inside the coop staying warm at night. Noooo that would mean they had brains. I have had to start going out on the colder nights and putting them in the coop. I mean physically catching them and shoving them in, shut small door, repeat... with 20 some birds! I would just leave them to figure it out or die but to be honest the hours, money and time that has gone into their palace means I will force them to live. Soon when it stays cold they won't be let out during the day and the door will only be opened to feed/water them. I have never actually looked forward to minus 20 or more temps, until now. Thankfully the last couple weeks have been nice enough to allow them to be stupid. What next?

The deck! We have made a lot of progress here! Before Halloween we got the back deck all railed and the dog run set up. The weather got to cold to work on the gate, but the rest is done. Then this very weekend we got most of the rail done on the front deck. Hopefully we will get it done this afternoon and finish the back gate today as well! My father in law came out yesterday and helped with the front deck and he had also come out and did the back deck with James. I did the dog run as that thankfully doesn't require power tools.

Back deck

Front deck

And that is where we stopped for the day. Today's goal is to get the new horse waterer installed and finish the post at the top of the stairs closest to the house, and the gate for the back.

Now for the fun of Halloween! I think instead of a bunch of words I will just put the photos. There was days of prep and cleaning and decorating that went into the party, but I don't feel like typing it all out. Enjoy!

The Invites!

The party preppers!

The food!

Vomiting pumpkin!

Cookie station!


See I ended up making banana bread skulls and sugar cookies! I also made cherry pie brains which were very entertaining. The pie crust needs some work but the effect I wanted worked very well!

I believe that is all the major things from the last month. Our house is now back to pre Halloween decor. We will be picking away at things in the house from now on as we finish the outside this weekend! Talk to you all later, I have laundry to get back to!

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