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Busy Bees!

Well it has been a very productive two weeks! We have had some big life changes and made huge leaps in projects that started when we moved here! Let's dive in!

Let us start with the personal life changes! James has gone for a couple interviews for different jobs for the last six months. Mostly, this has been practice for if he ever wanted to move on. Just after our daughters birthday, he had an interview. He was then offered the job a week and half ago. He decided to take it after hashing out what it would look like! This coming Friday is his last day on the job with the County. He even gave his notice so that he will have a few days off between his last and when he starts his new job! The biggest change is that he won't be able to bring home his work vehicle anymore so in the next few months we may be buying a new to us or a new vehicle.

On my front, the job I currently have is going to be a probationary permanent contract! I officially applied last week and will hopefully hear back soon about whether I will be coming back in the Fall! Everyone keep your fingers crossed!

That covers our jobs. Now lets move on to projects.

I am going to start with the most frustrating one that has popped up as of this past weekend. We were getting so much done, when I went downstairs to start some laundry and water was dripping from the ceiling in the Laundry room. We believe that it is from the line running to the outside well tap. Hopefully not also to the town water tap. There isn't any other water lines running in that part of the basement ceiling, Now we need to add removing the dry wall in the ceiling and one wall so that whatever is leaking can be fixed. I will say I am glad I had to go do some laundry as I was 45 minutes into watering and had only finished one garden and needed to do the big garden yet. Now we will be watering by hand until we get all our water totes and set up for watering by a hose.

The most exciting project is our siding! We should be getting the new siding in July! I can't wait to have the outside done! We should be getting the samples soon and be able to pick our siding. We have decided to go with Hardie board siding. The wind here keeps detaching sections of our siding and it bubbles out so vinyl is apparently not the best.

Now for the garden. We have got most of the seeds in the ground! Just a few more to do this coming weekend! It looks so much better and we have even got most of the weeds under control. James ended up building a total of 5 raised boxes and we are considering doing most of the garden with boxes! At least we will be doing that for the annual side. Any perennial plants will be grown in the ground to try to protect the roots better. We also moved the water pump(can just be seen in the picture below), the daylilies to the rock garden so that we are able to get through with the tractor to the area we are planting our grain crop. The grain crop in the last part that needs to be done!

Rock garden! I am so happy with the progress that we made with the rock garden on the weekend. We weren't going to spend much time in it this past weekend, then we went to Canadian Tire and bought plants and a humming bird feeder! James helped me dig the fake creek while I planted all the plants and made my herb spiral! I also got the old slightly broken bird bath semi buried and things planted in it! I am going to post pictures of what it looked like all the way back to the blog "saving the raspberries" to today! Though I am sad to report that the raspberry plants didn't come back this year, so that part of the plan was a fail.

This is where it began:


As you can see Odin was being super helpful....

I apparently forgot to take some more pictures after we finished some more stuff so I will add those to the next update. I still have a little grass to clear out and a lot of plants to slowly add. I also planted some seeds so we will see what come up! The goal is to only have perennial plants in this garden that will keep spreading over time. I will also be moving some lilies and irises that are in the big garden, but as they are not in the way I am waiting until the fall when they are done blooming!

That was our weekend. I hope you all had a great long weekend! I will try not to keep you waiting for another two weeks this time but no promises. Talk to you all later!

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