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Catch Up

Again so sorry, I am so far behind. This post may be a little longer than some to catch up with the times. We have actually had a lot happen in the last couple weeks. Lets begin!

An update on the sale of the house in Didsbury. Well it went through and the purchasers took possession last week. We now have all of our furniture back! Our guests who stay here will likely be grateful to sleep on an actual bed instead of a air mattress. That was a hectic weekend of moving stuff, taking stuff to the landfill and helping the in-laws with the last few things before they went away to visit family. And again anyone looking for a house in Maple Creek! Hopefully their house there will sell and we will be helping them move here by next summer! Now back to our house!

Last I wrote we had harvested the herbs and veggies, since then I am afraid the weeding didn't happen and I don't think we will finish the fire pit area either. Despite not getting that done we have done many other things.

First, we have set the guest room up completely! Comfy bed and a nightstand! A dresser we had in the guest room in the house in Didsbury is now in the living room down stairs holding some of the exercise equipment! I am glad to have alot of it put away so it seems less cluttered! On to the next goals.

Second, sadly it is that time of year again. Outside clean up and storing away all the summer things. Our outdoor furniture and all the planting/decor items had to be put away. Spent a whole day on that, sometimes I forget just how much things we own that are only out for such a short time. The kids were sad as one of the things was their trampoline. Though this also means soon we can start working on the inside of the house. I am very excited to begin painting, especially our room which is very white.

Third, The dog run. It was fairly small and Odin really didn't enjoy using it. With winter coming and it getting dark sooner we wanted Odin to have more space to use with less risk of problems with wildlife. We moved it slightly then expanded it! We were able to double his space! We were lucky to have my Father-in-law's help with some things while he was here. Now for the pictures.

This picture of this piece of fence is where the dog run originally was placed. Now it goes straight out along that fence to....

...Here. And picture of two cute dogs enjoying the space!

Originally we were not going to reuse the stairs as they were not in great shape and we plan on building new. Odin doesn't need them since he usually leaps up onto the deck. Some of our guest dogs do need them though, so for now they are there. Next year we need to redo the railing on the deck and all the stairs as none of it is very sturdy.

Fourth, There was an auction. James watched it closely and was able to get a couple things and stayed within the budget. Item one is a wood chipper! Now in the spring we can make mulch from all the dead branches that we will need to trim plus the trimming to control the spread of the bushes! Item two, is a garden tractor with plow, mower and rototiller attachments! The plow will come in handy for the winter and the rototiller in the spring when we expand the garden! I don't currently have a picture of the tractor. I will try to get one before the next blog. Thanks to my in laws again, as they left their truck here, while they are away, we used it to haul a rented trailer to pick up all the stuff. Our son is excited to be able to ride on a tractor again.

Fifth, We have sold two of the chicken coops that we got with the house. Only three more to go! It has really opened up the space they were in. We decided we didn't need them. The first couple years we don't plan on wintering them, eggs for the summer chicken for the winter. Now James gets to build a movable tiny coop.

That is all the big items we have got/done. And since I missed it Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Hopefully now I will actually stay on task and have a blog up again next Monday. Now for some new pictures! Talk to you all again next week!

Bale Shadow fun!

A handsome dog and a warm, cozy fire! Is there anything better?

Our friends are back. This is only one of the pair the other owl was hidden back in one of the trees that has leaves still. We don't see them often anymore as the weather gets colder and the sky darker.

Also ick the first snow.... Thankfully it didn't stick around! Just a quick dusting and melted within a couple hours. I guess we should be glad that it held off until the middle of October. I am not ready for winter!

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