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Fall Planting

Geez, well apparently James and I are both off our game. He forgot to finish editing this post, then post it. At least I am only actually two weeks, instead of three, behind. So sorry for those of you waiting on the blog. I am posting this one then will be posting an updated post right after for the couple weeks following these events.

Well turns out I was right about missing the post date again. Well here it is anyways a little late. The last nine days have been a little crazy, work changes, house sales, visitors and fall planting.

With the province going back to work at home orders (if able), James is now working at home again. This means I have to drive the kids into school then come home and get all the things done or head into work myself. I understand requiring masking and all the reinstated public health measures, but I am sure getting tired of the back and forth changes. Here is to hoping it all ends soon! I am also hoping that my kiddos will be able to be vaccinated soon. Thankfully the kids school had required them to mask since the beginning of the year so no changes for them. Thank you to all the essential workers that are going above and beyond for us all! Speaking of changes.

My in-laws have not had any luck selling their place in Maple Creek, Sk(so if anyone is looking in that area!), however they did sell the house in Didsbury. The kids are pretty sad about that and even more so since it means their grandparents won't be coming as often as they did all summer. It was only on the market for a couple weeks so that is pretty impressive! So my mother in law who was staying until the house sold or this week has gone home again. We had another visitor this past weekend!

My mom come down for a couple days this weekend! It was great to see her! The kids had alot of fun with two grandmas! We also went into Didsbury to pick our couch from the house and the kids got to see their across the street grandma(one of the best neighbours one could have). She has made us jam, pickles and does all sort of activities with the kids. She helped with teaching the kids to bike! This summer our daughter finally rode her new bike and our son rode his with no training wheels! They were very excited to show neighbour Grandma how well they were doing! So the kids got all three of their Grandmas cheering them on!

It was nice to finally pick up our couch! It is now placed in the basement! I will post pictures of the basement when we have all our belongings placed where we want them. We have a couple more things to pick up this coming weekend since the people who bought the house will be moving in in early October. I am looking forward to putting the rest of the house stuff in our new house and working on the lay out! And speaking of home improvements. The garden in the middle of the main house yard now has new bulb plants planted! I planted a mix of bulbs; sixty of them! On the weekend we also dug up more horseradish and planted more garlic bulbs! My mom and dad like horseradish so we gave them all the root we harvested. Thank goodness someone wanted it. Now I need to finish the last of the weeding and the fire pit area in the main yard. Wish me luck this nice weather holds! Here is some pictures of harvested plants form garden!

That is all for this post! Wishing you all a great coming week! Talk to you later! Here are some photos from the last week that I like.

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