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Happy Mothers Day


Well, here I sit too tired to do anymore yard work. I figured since I am taking a break I might as well finally get to doing a blog again. So, Hi it has sure been a while. Our yard is fully green and plants have already begun to grow. It is very weird. It has been so warm the last few weeks.

We have made progress on a variety of projects. Slow but steady is the name of the game these days. Let's begin the update. Though to be honest I am not a hundred percent sure where we left off.

Mushrooms! We have had a couple harvests! One from the black oyster and one from the pink. The pink have also started the second growth so we should have more in a couple days! They were very tasty and I am looking forward to buying more kits. We have also spread the black oyster mushroom block into a shady spot in the yard and we will see if mushrooms will grow from it!

This is the first harvest from the pink oysters mushrooms. We ate them with a gnocchi in a lemon "butter" sauce. MMMM!

Here is the picture from today of the second growth! So far it doesn't look like we are going to get as much.

My husband and I have also made progress in both gardens. We planted the potatoes! Three garden boxes maybe four boxes. We have begun covering the rock garden in barrier and mulch or rocks. We have edged part of it in brick and will do some of it in rocks. It will look very good when it is done. I just wish the milder spring weather we usually have would come back so we aren't so tired from working in the heat.

We had to re-clear the weeds from the two bottom areas as we didn't have the mulch or the barrier fabric when I started clearing the garden two weeks ago. We then laid down the barrier and covered with mulch or rocks. The tree on the other side of the mulched area, that has all the bricks, will also have rock around it. The cherry bush behind the finished tree will have more of the red mulch. Then we have some thick bark mulch that will cover as much as we can. I plan on using pea grovel for a path through the garden. We hope to add a bench into the garden as well. The larger rocks around the tree are coming from the middle area where our drive way goes in a circle. The weeds have been impossible to control there so we are removing the rock and going to plant grass so we can just mow that area. Then we will only have to weed control the driveway, house walkways and then the normal garden weeding that breaks through the barriers and in the big garden.

We will be picking away at the garden stuff and our bedroom for the next couple weeks so hopefully I will have some more content to post here soon!

Our tomato plants are coming along quite well! All my tulips and lillies have come up! Garlic and rhubarb is growing! The haskops are doing amazing, lots of blooms already! It is going to be an interesting growing season.

Well I am beat so that is where I am going to leave you. I am going to be honest and say that content is probably going to be kinda spotty this year and through the next. More so then normal anyways. I will get into that later once we have a better idea of where the time ahead will go. Talk to you all later.

This beautiful pot was made by my daughter for mothers day with her class. The grade two teachers at her school are wonderful! Mind you all of the teachers in the school are wonderful! My son made a cute flower card and a note about me!



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