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Here comes October!

My favourite time of year is coming! I hope you all are prepared for the influx of pictures and Halloween baking! I even bought brain and skull moulds! I am not a huge fan of the cold weather but spooky season makes up for it! Lets begin! I forgot that this coming weekend is Thanksgiving, but not that we need to prep for Halloween and our party. Can you tell where my priorities are! I am going to be trying to give daily updates so will be titling each paragraph by day.


Wonderful Sunday. I started my morning with the now daily furniture moving clean, because of mouse shit. We did catch three mice in our traps today, so yay! I started to clean our furniture with the carpet cleaner device, I never remember the name of, before it broke. Now I need a new one and I only partly finished cleaning one chair. However we accomplished two walls on the chicken coop with the help of my in-laws. We ran out of plywood, so couldn't finish that either. Not a great record, but all that my and the hubby's energy could handle. Now for the pictures.

Coop building, and I made sure to get pictures of myself since I did most of the drilling.

Ha, got it small enough you can hardly see the styrofoam in my hair...

And that is the chicken coop for the day. We are hoping to get some more work done on it next week!

Now for some Halloween decorating! The kids were very excited as they have been asking for weeks. They are slightly sad that we wouldn't let them finish all the decorating, but as we tend to go all out, it has to be done in stages. Cleaning and organizing, taking all the year round stuff down and clean, then put all our Halloween stuff out!

Day 1: Halloween Prep!

No you don't get to see our blue sign address, but remember the no trespassing one, hahahaha.......

And that is a wrap. The kids have had their baths and packed their lunches. I will be back tomorrow!

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday:

These days disappeared into a haze of cleaning and decorating for which I have no photo evidence. Sorry I have been so tired still. I am also just now, the following Monday from when I started this blog sitting down to finish. So much for the doing some every day to save me from having to remember everything that has happened.


Our son wasn't feeling good so I ended up stuck at home so I got some boring laundry done and then moved on the trying to deal with all our potatoes and onions. 6 hours after starting the potatoes I got all the red and fingerling peeled and prepped, then into the freezer. Remind me to grow less potatoes next year, please?


I think I will use these for the Halloween party to make roasted fingers! MMM!

Red potatoes prepared for roasting or mashing.

Red potatoes diced for hashbrowns or something that needs small potato chunks.

Saturday, Sunday, Monday:

Yes I have lumped all of them together because to be honest I can't remember the order in which the pictures occurred and I am completely unwilling to search the date out for each one. You get what you get and don't get upset.

Geez Louise, we got a lot done this holiday weekend. Did we have the energy? No. Did we need to do it? Yes. Did it suck? Also, yes. My everything hurts. On the plus side thanks to need and my dad's teaching I have become comfortable with power tools and am quite good at building things. Chicken coop is done!.. My father in law came out Saturday to help us!

Haha, I wish. Ok, it is mostly done. We have to finish the nesting boxes and a wall but it is currently habitable and has a temporary wall where we need to finish the boxes. We have had to change our plan for the boxes. The chickens have even been moved, minus three stupid females and one stubborn rooster. Why only them? Well unlike every one else who hid in corners when I grabbed for them they were somehow smart and went for the door. They are currently free and enjoying our whole yard. (hopefully not to be eaten by coyotes. before tonight). The rooster we could lose, but I would like to keep the females. This process took me three freaking hours. One to two chickens at a time. It was worse than all the building combined. Okay, enough with my endless babbling. Here is the pictures. Hopefully they are better than a thousand words! And yes it is crooked, very crooked, but it is oddly still nice to look at.

Ceiling finished!

Horses on a fall day, as I was getting wood for myself to cut(with a power saw) and screw onto the outside walls around the fencing(with a power drill). I was maybe delaying this process a little. Enjoy the results.

Barn and bales! Our barn, not our bales!

(More delaying)

Roof insulation! I made it snow.

Done the insulation!

(Tetris skills super useful)

Some of the fencing up! Top and worst part, I only bleed a couple times. Stupid wire.

Bottom fence on and doors(on the main coop)

Doors(for cleaning) done!

Latches, you know to keep the doors shut. Sorry about James' ghostly hand.

Chicken entry door done!

Tin roof on, thank you Chris for the tin and install!

Wood added to the divide in fencing so nothing can get through if it bends. Yes I had to do both sides. Have I mentioned that I hate power tools and building?

Inside wood hiding the fence sections.

Time for the people door! This is when the chicken chase commenced. Damn chickens.

Found photos of the Father in Law. Are my photos very much out of order? Yes, they are. Like I said you get what you get and don't get upset.

More delays apparently.

And chickens added! Apparently I forgot to take a picture of the chicken ladder to their house, but you can see it in the back of the photos. Thus, ended the holiday weekend. I then went in to make shepard's pie that I have not eaten yet as I am writing this blog to keep all you people maybe entertained.

Stupid chickens.

Now since it was thanksgiving weekend, you may be wondering, Kyla did you do anything fun? Yes, we went to my in laws for dinner and had a good time (though we both just wanted to sleep). The dinner was yummy then it was home to crash. I have no pictures. Family time and the coop is done for this week. Next weekend should be baking and cleaning with box building. I am looking forward to the baking! Now I am going to eat the dinner my kids had seconds of and my husband declared was to good and he ate too much. Talk to you all later. Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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