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Hoppy Easter and Updates

The last week has been pretty boring, after Easter that is. This is a good thing medically, but not so great mentally. We are going to start looking for more things to do starting next week. If you know of something that is really neat, let us know. Let's hop into it!

Easter! The kiddo's came for the whole weekend! My Mom brought them up to see us on the Friday and her room was even right next door to us. We did lots of visiting, playing games and even went to the Telus World of Science Centre! The kids had a blast. We loved having them but are very grateful that they didn't stay any longer. Small spaces with young busy kids are not the best. It makes both of us very impatient to go home. We should be hearing more about heading home hopefully sometime this week! I will add it somewhere in this blog if we do. Now for some pictures!

Enjoy these two crazy kids at the science centre!

Now for Easter Sunday! The Easter Bunny found the kids after all!

Now a brief break from the cuteness for another rant!

I learned something very sad today. I think maybe I should go back to college and get a different diploma or degree... I just found out that James makes almost the same amount that I make per month(when working full time) a week while on short term disability. What the HECK! Luckily, I love my job cause really that is very sad. James doesn't have any more education than me:(. Now medical updates.

James saw the Infectious disease doctor on Monday. Yes the one we are not a fan of. His CT scan was set up for today(Tuesday). She said that no matter what the CT scan shows it won't stop him from being able to start the process to head home early! If there is some regrowth of the fluid collections he will just be on the medicine for longer, if not he can go off it! That was good news! Tomorrow he sees the surgeons and we see if he gets the staples out! If they come out and they have no surgical concerns (which given his blood work they shouldn't) the process to go home begins! His Monday blood work was also excellent news, everything is approaching normal or normal! I will be updating as the week goes then post this on the weekend so don't worry I won't leave you guys hanging... Too bad we can't just skip to the weekend and need to actually live it.

The surgeon has cleared James to go home from their side! Staples out! Now we just need the last all clear and get the appointment set up in Calgary and we will know when James and I can head home. The surgeon was actually really surprised at how well he is recovering apparently only 3 weeks in the hospital is short and certainly not well enough surgically to head home by 5 weeks. The CT scan results are back as well and it looks really good the collections have almost completely resolved! We also got a call today(Wednesday) from James' coordinator that the ID doctor is also good with James being shifted back to Calgary! She is going to be working on that tomorrow after his blood work and we should know when we are headed home Friday! Friday! Oh my goodness so exciting. Now lucky you ducks you don't have to wait you will get the info all at once. She even said the soonest we could be home on Monday, which due to hotel will really be Tuesday but most likely by Friday! SQUEEEE! James has booked blood work for next Thursday to be safe if we do get out early next week. There will still be a lot of appointments and lots of making sure he does his physio so even though I can't go back to work at least we will be sleeping in our own bed!

And it is Friday, post day! The day we have been looking forward to! And.... We will be coming home Tuesday! But shh we want to surprise the kids at school at end of day if possible, so do not breathe a word! James has an appointment Thursday morning for blood work and then go to see the liver transplant specialists in Calgary! James blood work from this past Thursday showed more improvement! So will see some of you next week and will figure out what his appointment schedule will look like Thursday. James isn't allowed to drive until the end of May, so I will still be driving him every where but to sleep in my own bed will be amazing! Plus puppy snuggles!

Sorry this is being posted late my editor wanted his job back and only managed to do one post on time. Time will see if I give him the job back.

That is the amazing news for this week! Hopefully I will have more next week! Talk to you all later! Off to pack!

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