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I Am Back... Maybe

Wow has it ever been a long time. Life kinda got a little bit hectic the past several months. Lets start where I left off. Thankfully I had a outline for what I was going to write at the beginning of September. Too bad I didn't get around to writing it.

Lets begin with my In-laws house hunt. It was indeed successful! They bought and moved into the new house! They got possession at the end of August or maybe it was early September. Then began the process of renovating for a few weeks before they moved in. We went over and helped unpack and paint, plus whatever we could when we weren't at work or running the kids different places. After they got the upstairs mostly finished they moved all their stuff in and started in the basement. This is an on going project as thankfully my Father in-law has been getting a lot of handyman jobs around town. If only our projects were going as smoothly.

Our room has stalled on completion, I will go into how that happened later on. It won't take much more time to finish. We just have to get back to it. So hopefully we will have some updates in the coming months! With March slowly marching towards us, we will have garden prep starting soon.

Speaking of garden prep. We have ordered our seeds! We are very excited for this years crop of plants. We are going to be adding rainbow carrots, beets, beans, lettuce, radishes, a new species of tomatoes and the most exciting is mushrooms! Not the fun kind, but black and pink oyster mushrooms! We are looking forward to having risotto with our home grown mushrooms. I also got some wildflower seeds for my rock garden. So we hope you will join us for the coming growing season to see how it goes. Now fingers crossed everyone in this house stays healthy.

The last several months fell of the rails with lots of projects between our place, the in-laws place, work and some health issues. My husband ended up in the ICU for a couple weeks with a couple more in a regular ward, thankfully making it home before Christmas. During this our horse waterer busted and started leaking everywhere, we had some of the coldest winter temps and a variety of things decided to stop working properly. The car fuel line got a leak, so we had to get a new car/slash get the old one fixed. Thank goodness for my parent, in-laws and all our co workers and friends we got through it all and managed to have a good Christmas, if a little quiet. Everything got fixed and we weren't completely broke.

We got a Ford Escape hybrid so hopefully that will save us some gas money as well for the coming year. The next big expense coming is we took in a dog that needed to be re-homed! He is the sweetest and biggest boy, Thor. We couldn't turn him down especially after we learned his name. I mean Odin and Thor! The dogs are getting along great and Odin is actually behaving better as he is less bored. Thor is a saint bernard/poodle mix. I have a feeling that if our kids don't eat us out of house and home, he certainly will.

That is all I can think of, at least of the broad overall. Hopefully I will have more to write in the next few months! We have many projects coming in the spring so we need to finish the master bedroom soon.

Coming soon: deck improvements, planters building, buying a new pool and pulling out a lot of fencing on top of all the planting and garden work.

Talk to you all again soon I hope! Bye!

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