Hi, it has only been a week since I was last here! Success! Sadly it is mostly because I can't be outside due to the crazy amounts of smoke in the air combined with the heat. We don't have many updates. Due to the smoke we haven't spent much time outside in the last week. Our grass has really sprouted this week and I badly want to cut it and whipper snip.
On the plus side our haskops and raspberry bushes look amazing! The potatoes are already coming up! I will get pictures to post as soon as I don't risk an asthma attack if I step outside. My irises, tulips, lilies are all up and/or preparing to flower! It is amazing! Now I just want to finish off the rock garden so it all looks as pretty as the part we are done. This time last year we were just getting stuff outside. Our tomatoes should be big enough to be planted next week and we will also start all of our seeds, hopefully this week.(on my knees begging for rain to calm the fires and smoke)
The kids are getting stir crazy, being stuck indoors much of the day. They both are having play dates today so lets hope that helps a little.
We did get the chicks though! 26 adorable little chicks! The kids are already in love with them and as we currently have 8 dozen eggs in the fridge from our current chickens. I am wondering if we are crazy. We don't even like eggs, except when I bake. If anyone needs some and you can meet us in Olds, Didsbury or even Three Hills let us know.
I have also finally booked a tattoo appointment! I am getting lilies and a hummingbird! I am very excited! Can't wait for July 15th!
That is all the updates I have for you. Here is to hoping I don't have time to write a blog next weekend. Talk to you all later!