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I'm Back!

Hey everyone! Sorry, I peaced out for so long. I didn't intend to be gone as long as I was. After all the funeral stuff I got home and got very sick. I couldn't get out of bed for 5 days then was very sick for another 8 days after that. Finally I got better, but by then I needed to catch up on the yard neglect and house neglect. James tried his best but there was still a lot of work to be done. Let's begin the update!

We may have fallen behind on many things but we did get lots done! First, James did get the tractor up and working again. And the best part I got James to agree to sell the tractor this fall and next spring we will buy a new one. Not new to us an actual new tractor. Hopefully then we will have less problems. Mowing has been much easier to do with the tractor up and running again. Sadly, our gas push mower died its final death and we had to buy a new one. We did go battery powered as we will be using it in very small areas. It is also so much lighter!

Now for projects completed!

Let's start with the chicken coops! The new chicken coop has had some modifications to make life a little easier, especially for when we need someone else to care for the animals. June made it clear that we needed a better set up. James made a self feeder, new egg boxes and an auto-waterer!

The self feeded is just their food storage bin with the feeder kit things screwed into the sides. There are three openings. So far the filling has varied from one and half weeks to two and half weeks. The longer is the normal length and the shorter is more frequent but it makes everything so much easier.

Here is the waterer. We are going to change the barrel as it needs to drain from the bottom and not the middle but it has been working wonderfully for the week we have had it working. The water just constantly drips and we have gone from having to fill their water daily to every three days(since we have had no rain). Once we change the barrel it should be once a week if there is no rain. I highly recommend a handy husband! It is very nice having him feel so good that he can do all of these projects!

Egg boxes! Now our daughter doesn't have to go into the coop to collect the eggs! At least now that they have learned to lay in the new boxes. At first, they were laying outside under the coop, which made collecting more difficult for a few days.

Now I know you all are probably thinking, but Kyla, that is only one coop not coops. Don't worry that part wasn't a typo. No promises on the rest of the blog. You might remember the old coop and the chicken tractor. It was giant and they weren't staying warm enough due to all the space. It has been sitting empty for the last year. The chicken tractor was also unused for over a year, as well. We did not buy more animals, so it was time for it to go. We listed it for sale and it sold in less than two days! The chicken tractor sold before the big coop. I will post an old picture if I can find it and then the space it was in.

As you can see my lillies are also blooming! Now we will have to figure out if we want to extend the poor, neglected rock garden or let grass grow! Also maybe you noticed the blue ring around Odin's neck. He got a sting from something(very minor) and he decided licking his leg until it bled was a good idea. Now he is wearing the cone of shame.

We didn't do much in the garden this year but we got a harvest of lettuce, spinach and radishes! The haskops also produced a lot of berries this year and grew so much(I was sure they were dead at the end of last summer). We will also be harvesting some potatoes in a week or two! The raspberries are growing and we have had a few tasty ones. The next couple weeks they should really pop!

Our onion crop!

Potatoes! They are starting to fall and yellow!

I apparently didn't take pictures of the berry bushes or cherry bushes(in rock garden), so I will try to do that before the next blog and add them to the bottom.

I know that seems like a lot of James projects and what did I do? Well I have been trying to catch up on laundry, cleaning the house, cutting down trees, weeding, mowing and anything I could do to help James. I cut down six trees! Small trees but still! I cleaned and organized my craft room! Sigh apparently I also did a terrible job of taking pictures. Good job I don't get paid for this.

James had completed the gate for the back deck, on one of the weekends I was in Kindersley helping out with funeral planning. He finished the railing for the deck this week as well. I helped with the railing! It is beautiful, but the plan was always to only have one rail on those stairs. They technically don't need a rail but we wanted one and now we need a second because we think it would look better.

See it really needs the other side done. Now, he finished the gate because we were taking care of Watson for a couple weeks(in June) and when I was away he decided to go visit our nearest neighbour, down the gravel road and up the highway. So needless to say he needed to be contained after the second absconding.

I think that is it. I am going for surgery the 12th of August so the next few weeks will be just trying to get everything into tiptop shape, maybe ripping out the basement bathroom(that will be its own blog if we do it) and enjoying family time before I am down for a little and the kids go back to school and James returns to work in Sept! Talk to you all again soon!

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