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Look at me go!

Back on track with the blog again! This week hasn't had alot of things happen but what has has been very exciting, though not always in a good way. Let's get started!

Shall we start with the most positive exciting part? Yes, I think we will. We are getting horses! Ok, technically they are not ours, They are just going to be living on our land for at least the next year, maybe longer, Someone was looking for some land to rent for 6 horses and wanted to do all the work for taking care of them. This is exciting on my part as I get to see horses every day but don't have to go near or take care of them, thus no swollen eyes and other allergy problems. I LOVE horses and was devastated when I was a teenager to find out the reason I kept getting lung infections was due to allergies to horses :(. The owner was glad that we were willing to leave all the care and training to her. So we get to see horses and she gets full control over how they are taken care of, plus a little money for us every month!

Another exciting thing is that we have sold all the chicken coops that we wanted sold before winter! The last one was picked up this weekend! That corner of the yard is very empty right now. Slowly the yard is becoming what we hope it will be! Now I suppose I should get on with the other less positive exciting things.

Well I went into the laundry room earlier in the week while I had a load in the washing machine. There was water on the floor... Why why why. The washing machine as sprung a leak. It is fairly new. The original house owners just bought it in early 2020. Thankfully they also paid for extended warranty for both the washing and dryer! Hopefully we can get it fixed without it costing a lot or having to replace the machines. I need the washing machine, especially with the three to four clothing changes my kids have to do in a day. *insert eye roll*.

Both kids also got a virus. So this entailed hauling them both into Olds to get Covid testing to find out if they had a normal cold or if we were going to have to keep canceling our life for the next ten days. Thankfully they both tested negative so only a few days of missed school and a few cancelled plans and we are almost back to everyone feeling better. Our daughter is taking the longest to feel better. Today is the first day in the last five that she is actually looking better, no fever for over 30 hours and her cough is improving. Our son is only coughing a little with no fever for 3 days, so hopefully by Wednesday they can go back to school. I can't wait until they are both old enough to get the Covid vaccine. Maybe I should ask you all to pray that they are well enough to go back Wednesday, as they are both at the feeling better enough to be bored and cranky but not well enough to actually go to school. Help me!

Then the paint chips I ordered started to arrive! Hopefully there is something we actually like and pick out, I will take pictures of our choices once we make them. And this wraps up my portion of the blog. Talk to you all again next week. Now you can continue on to enjoy the new Kids Corner, where my children can regale you with their take on the week.

Kids Corner

Our son would like to tell you all about the yard junk he helped clean up and take to the dump. Now we are apparently moving on to a story... There was a mouse in the house. The mouse was blue and also I liked the shape of his tail and head. The mouse was in the living room and ran to the guest bedroom door. It ran to the door because scary sister frightened the mouse(well she is not really scary except when she does *insert scary face). After it went to the door it squeezed under the door. Now it was in the guest bedroom and bolted to the closet door then under the bed. It also ran out from under the bed and almost got its tail caught in the trap. Maybe it has run out of the house.

Our daughter would like to write just .... ME. MEEEEEEeEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. More me.....

Your welcome for my childrens thoughts, hope you enjoyed........

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