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Missed you all

Sorry it has been awhile again. I got busy with life and then we went away for a little while to finally see some family! So let the update begin. Oh, I will also be posting the compost blog after this as during that busy time we finished that off!

I believe the last blog ended with our zoo day. The next day I spent most of the day weeding the garden to get caught up and packing to leave on the Monday. Once the packing was all done, we went to bed. Finally, the day we have been looking forward to for the last year and a half arrived! The kids and I headed to my parents for a visit. During this we got to see my brother and his children! We were celebrating their birthdays all together. I got the chance to make cakes for them after so long of not even seeing them. The hardest part about this pandemic was being away from family. Here are some pictures of the cakes! I really enjoyed decorating them!

They each got a layer cake and then the cupcakes were gluten free for my mom. They turned out pretty well considering I had never done anything like these before! Then after four days and two birthday parties it was time to come home.

This began the work to catch up on the yard work we got behind on before we left. So many hours of pulling weeds and finishing the last bit to the compost pile. I forgot to take more progress pictures of the weeding but I will when I am all done. I am now on to more than 10 bags worth of weeds pulled! Most of the plants are freed from the weeds! My husband also got most of the animal run fencing we don't need taken down. Now to decide what buildings we are going to keep and the ones we will sell or scrap.

The garden is growing really well! We have 5 or 6 peppers, a lot of tomatoes, and corn coming along! The strawberries keep getting eaten by birds and maybe the rabbit who visits. I will have to get an update picture of those plants when the weeds are cleaned up. We harvested some of the garlic and still have a lot more that should be ready in the next couple weeks. My husband read about curing the garlic so we have started that and are waiting to be able to preserve it. I want to try a couple different ways so that next year we may have a way we prefer. I am planning to use some of it in my first pickling project I am hoping to start next week. This bring the update to today. I really will try to do better with the blog.

Talk to you soon!

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