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Mission: Keep James Busy

Now that we have been home for awhile and James continues to feel better and better, it is time to get him doing things. Now if only the weather would cooperate. He is only slightly driving me crazy! I have four more weeks until I go back to work and he has all restrictions lifted, I can't wait.

This week has been a lot of bad weather with rain, snow and way too much wind. We have been organizing and doing more organizing. We cleaned and organized some of the lego, under the stairs storage, our dining room hutch thing and once again the kitchen. I of course forgot to take before pictures for all of it but maybe that's a good thing as you don't have to see the horror.

This is the under stairs storage. It is full of all my least favourite things spiders and mice. Along with those things come webs, dead flies and mouse poop. I spent two hours going in and out with bins to clean and vacuum up the mouse poop. I had also decided to do an intense chest and back workout plus cycling workout so this was not fun. Turns out we had a lot of stuff that should have been stored elsewhere and stuff that we haven't unpacked since before our apartment in Calgary(cough 14 years cough). Out it all came and got sanitised, because mice, then some went back in, some moved to other places and some is yet to be sold. There were so many spiders (shudder). Damn keeping James busy, also funny how keeping him busy is more work for me then him, all that lifting and hauling.

The gym! I hope this is the final time I have to move anything around in the gym. I decided, because not enough hauling and lifting, that the treadmill should go back downstairs to the gym. This of course, also required to completely move all the gym stuff again after adding the recumbent bike.

Again no before picture, but trust me when I say this is much better. We even have a drawer that is empty! This was covered in crafting stuff and just junk that kids accumulate.

I don't have any pictures of the kitchen as that was purely cupboard moving. I needed to fit some things into the kitchen that could only go in certain places. We got rid of some cups and old plates as well! We have bought a instant pot to replace our slow cooker that has seen better days. It made it a long time since it was a wedding gift. I have not used it as a slow or pressure cooker, but have used it as an air fryer. It worked better then the other air fryer we had.

We have bought a printer as it was also on sale and we have more printing needs than in the last few years. The printer was faulty though so they are sending us a new one which we should have early next week. That is it for the in house stuff to date.

The outside. We are hopefully going to be building some garden boxes this weekend. I of course will be the lifter and holder while James puts them together. I am hoping that we can get at least four built if the weather stays decent. We will also be ordering dirt to fill the boxes. The goal is to have them ready for planting after the long weekend.

I am going to have to come up with more stuff to do as well to keep James busy. He keeps coming into the kitchen when I am cooking and trying to clean up items I still need, or cleaning up drinks that people were still drinking. Four more weeks, then we can return to better than our normal. Maybe he can clean the house while I am at work and have meals made for when we get home!

Now to wrap up the post James' liver levels have almost all normalised, which is amazing! He had been gaining weight and muscle and has filled out some! He has a normal skin tone and the whites of his eyes are actually fully white. I am so grateful that he is feeling well enough to drive me crazy!

That is it for this week. Talk to you all later!

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