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Mission: Save the Raspberries

Now that we are mostly unpacked we have started figuring out everything we would like to do with the yard. Item one was to clear up and get planting done in the big garden. We have plans to expand that garden eventually, but currently working with what we have. I would also love to have a rock garden with a variety of perennials and succulents.

Speaking of rock garden. In the yard to the other side of the house from the big garden is what used to be, at least what I am guessing, is a pig pen. When I first saw it I knew we would be taking it out as pig are not something we are interested in raising. When my father in law was here he noticed that in a small piece of it,which we figured was a garden at one point, it wasn't just dead plants and weed growth, but also RASPBERRIES!! And I do mean a lot of raspberry plants. Now if we had looked closer probably could have planted our previously bought plants in there as well. So the mission to free the raspberries has begun. You all should be proud of me, I actually remembered to take before and after photos of each step. Lets just hope that by the time this post goes up I remember to add all those photos. Here are a couple pictures of before. The first is the fenced area, the second is a picture of the raspberry area.

Day 1: to start I had to start removing the fencing. That was a lot of screws and posts and sweat. I got the garden part completely unfenced this day. Is that a word? Anyways, we began pulling the fence out and I did not know that grass could grow and trap fencing in like that. Ruined many a spider and ant home in the process, but we could finally reach the berry plants. There are also two bushes(one maybe dead), 4 peony plants, two trees that were just outside the fence and the raspberries were too many to count. We started by pulling the grass and weeds so we could at least see all that was there. Eventually we will have to decide what kind of rows we would like for the raspberries so we can keep them under control. This ended day one.

Day 2: We removed the white board fencing. Though you can't see it these are covered in rusty chicken wire. We pulled nails, unscrewed screws and pulled all the fencing buried in the ground out. The smell while we were digging out the buried fence was quite strong and confirmed that this was a pig pen. We also got the pig house bottom uncovered and got it out of the pen part. That was all we were able to get done this day. These pictures show what we will need to clean up and there is still the last bit of fencing. We will have lots of rocks to start working with.

Day 3: To begin this part, I am sorry I didn't take pictures. I don't think the pictures are necessary though. I just moved most of the fencing debris away from the garden so I could mow the lawn, and by the time I was done I was too tired to do more work on the garden. We are getting closer to being able to actually start planning a lay out!

Day 4: My husband finished taking down the fencing and organizing all the wood. Now we just have to clean it all up and start a layout.

Day 5: Many weeks later, we finally began the layout ideas. And that brings us to now. We have begun the work to turn the pig pen area into a rock garden and fire pit! Now, I will be updating in the regular blog. Some of the Raspberries will be transplanted into the garden with the ones we bought this summer; the rest will stay and be groomed to grow in rows or if I do the fake river bed, to grow along that! All the rocks are out of the garden and it is ready to be tilled and then start marking where we plan on paths and maybe a bench, pots, etc. So onto the regular blog we go!

Thanks for reading! Talk to you later!

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