Ok well mostly moved in... one last but important piece, the freezer! Everything else is moved in and here. We are mostly settled. So many decisions to be made on where to put things and how we want to set it up here, The house is very different from our now old house. We had a lot of help with the move.
The first time in months either my husband or I have seen our parents! They were the best help! The kids were so excited to see their grandparents. Now you may be wondering or not, if we have moved why not update all of you. Well, we have had some problems with our internet, it has been irregular, sometimes we have internet for a hour but sometimes only seconds.
It is great being here, After we mostly unpacked, the important things, we started working in the garden. I find it weird that I am enjoying pulling weeds, mowing grass and getting the yard prepped for the summer, as a kid I didn't hate it but it was not my favourite thing. I got to free so many pretty tulips from the weeds trying to choke them out and it was so satisfying. So far we know the garden has a row of irises, three rows of tulips, four rows of garlic, a big rhubarb plant, one row of rose bushes, three rows of strawberry plants(Our son was so excited to see these) and that is less than half of what is there. I am looking forward to tomorrow freeing yet even more plants from the weeds. Our son has been a great helper the last day with the garden, he helped pull weeds and water the many plants we brought with us. We will hopefully be planting those plants this weekend or at least early next week since it will be raining this weekend.
I forgot to take a picture before the weeding, but here is the picture of the tulips half done!

Now with the tulips done and just the rest of the garden to do(also missed taking pictures of clearing the irises)...

So satisfying, though I guess that could just be me. My husband later today did also clear the strawberry plants from the clover over taking them and the other weeds. I can't wait to plant new things next year. We have decided to stick with what we have already bought this year and what has come in the garden.
I can't believe the internet is making it this long. Hopefully it will last until I post though knowing my luck it will kick out right when I finish this up.
Now back to the move, we bought a trampoline for the kids and thanks to the help from my parents were able to pick it up earlier than we thought so the kids could be entertained until we got their stuff unpacked. It worked and they have loved it! Thank goodness they have also just loved being here, the space, trampoline, and the air conditioning as it has been freaking hot all week!
I promise to try better to take pictures of the kids running through the fields and the progress with the yard work and such. They show what I mean so much better than I can say. And maybe I should show pictures of the inside.. maybe.
Well, I think I will leave it there and try to come back in a couple days with more updates.