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Not Feeling It

Hey, so I haven't been feeling like writing the blog lately. Lots has happened and been done by James and a little by me in the last few weeks. I even have some projects that I need to write about from before my surgery.

Let's start with the garden. We haven't had much going on in the garden. The potatoes got harvested. It was a good turn out so I think next year we will plant them again. They were called warba. The golden zucchini also has been prolific. From the only plant, from the four varieties we planted, we have had 8 zucchini. We even have more coming. James has learned how to make the zucchini brownies. We have some frozen for future baking or cooking. The beds are now covered in weed barrier so that hopefully the soil will stay in(wind) and weeds will be killed off. Our raspberries have so many growing but with this end of season they are also filled with yellow jacket wasps and bald faced hornets, which are related to wasps, so no picking any for me. I mean there are hundreds, turns out they like the raspberry blooms as much as we like the berries. That is it for the garden. Now we will be putting everything away in the next couple weeks and moving to tasks in the house.

Now onto the projects that have been finished! The first is we have a shoe thief. He is adorable and mostly sweet, but sometimes he forgets about all of his toys.

The Thief

Of course he is not the only problem. We also had little mice making nests and using them for food storage. James got the stuff to make shelves. We have a little nook beside the closet at the door that was the perfect place.

We are recently discovered that Odin the shoe thief will still steal from the bottom shelf. The next task will be to figure out how to stop that, maybe bins. I have been learning to make macrame plant pot holders for our indoor herb pots. This is also thanks to mice eating the herbs. These are the two I completed while recovering from surgery. I am going to do some more types, as I still have 4 more pots to go.

This weekend we moved the kids rooms. The layout in the rooms they were in were not working. We asked if they would be willing to switch, which would also give us a purpose to do a deep clean. Both kids wanted to have the paint and decor redone as well so perfect time to change. The actual room decor will be happening next year.

Ignore Watson, we were dog sitting for a couple days and he wanted to hang out in our daughters new room.

We also ordered some couch and chair covers. The living room furniture really needed to be updated, however we can't just go buy new furniture. I like the new colours and the pattern we chose for the chairs! The best part is they can be easily removed and washed when they get dirty, which happens a lot with two kids and two dogs!

That is all the things that aren't just normal day to day. Now the projects that are coming up.

The only upcoming outside project that will hopefully be done before snow sticks, is extending the chicken coop. We are going to add a run area that can be closed off from the main coop. This will allow us to let the chickens out onto a controlled area of grass, while also allowing us to close it off to let the grass regrow. It is going to be about sixteen feet long and four feet high. We will wrap it in chicken wire and that will be done. Of course we won't be opening it up for the chickens this year as it is coming up time to winter them. Now for house projects.

There are areas of the house that need some work. If you hear of good sales on paint, vinyl flooring and such let us know. The basement is a work in progress. We have some stuff that needs to be done in the laundry room. We have to figure out how to level the washer again. It keeps coming out of level and one of the feet broke off. It has been causing so much trouble. The next task will to tear out the basement bathroom. The toilet needs to be changed out and same for the vanity, but on top of that the ceiling has been having leaks. We know where they are coming from and have mostly fixed it. The damage was done, however so we need to rip out the ceiling and might as well rip it all out and redo it over time. I would like it to be done for when the kids are a little older. The tub/shower we would like to make into just a shower if we even out a shower back in. It would be handy for when the kids are older to have three showers. I am also looking forward to creating projects with my new cricut! Due to us being at work this coming week, our weekends will be packed!

I am so excited to be going back to work this week! My first day back is Tuesday! James is loving being back at work, though he did say adjusting back to getting up and out of the house 5 days a week was harder than he thought. It is nice going into work knowing our life is more stable now. The kids have been enjoying school and really like their teachers once again. The teachers are all amazing at their school, so that is not really surprising! I believe the above brings us back up to date. I will ttyl! Have a wonderful week!

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