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Sorry again!

Sorry, once again I am behind with the blog. I promise it was for a good reason. Be prepared for a long blog. Okay, well let us jump right in.

I promised that we would include the wall of wood in the next blog and this one is late because it took longer than we thought it would. So lets start with the finished wall plus the Christmas decorations that are up, then I will tell you all about the craziness that delayed the finishing of the wall.

The first and second photos were taken over a week ago.

Finally finished! This is from this just done Saturday.... Life sometimes gets in the way of plans.

Christmas rules are up on the wall in the place our one horse picture which is being moved to this wall so we can place the TV on the other wall.

We love the wall so much and the recommendation from the paint person was perfect! The black makes the spots where the wood doesn't meet completely plus the holes blend better than the yellowy white.

Now the story behind the delays. Well in the last blog we had gotten most of the stuff prepped had even started the wood wall but we ran out of glue so I decided to do the update in the next blog after we got the glue and could finish. We got the glue alright, however, James fell at work in a klutzy moment and sprained his ankle, ripped up his hand and knee pretty good. He couldn't stand for very long for the first few days and I have a thing about using air nail guns, so we were delayed finishing the wall/blog. Then our son got the runny butt. With the constant running to the bathroom with him and even having to put him back in diapers as he had no control over the need to go to the bathroom we just did not get anything done. Finally he and James were doing better but we had company coming and had done no big cleans so we spent one and a half days scrubbing the bathrooms, floors and everything that got put off.

On Wednesday, My Great Uncle and Aunt that I haven't seen in forever came for a visit! They couldn't stay long so it was a fast but good visit and our son managed to go more than an hour between bathroom runs for the first time in over 24 hours! Then it was time to work on some of the other cleaning before Grandma came the next day!

Thursday and the blessed arrival of Grandma Kerry and the end to the runny butt! The kids really wanted to decorate for Christmas with Grandma, so despite our no decorations before the last weekend of November, we decorated. We won't even be here for Christmas as we will be celebrating with my parents at their home... Kids I tell you. We had movie nights and they worked on crafts with Grandma! The weekend passed so quickly. Our son on the morning of her departure wanted to know if Monday was the beginning of Christmas break so we could head to Grandma's house. I had the sad task of telling him he still has over a month before we would be heading to Saskatchewan. The other good part is we were able to finish our Christmas shopping this weekend as well!! Yay us!

For the Christmas decoration set up I completely rearranged the furniture in the living room so that we could put up the tree. Some how I like this arrangement better than before. I know it can't stay this way because when the tree comes down we would have a large empty space, We still have to finish fixing the Lego Christmas village we have and set up the big table to place it and the Christmas train set on. James has been working on fixing it while I visited with my mom this weekend, it is still a very time consuming task. But below are the photos of the finished decorating! Hopefully with my help we will be able to set up the table before the blog post next week. Odin has been pretty good so far with the tree considering it is his first Christmas. He has only stolen 2 decorations off the tree and hasn't chewed on the tree at all! One of the chairs got moved into the library, which will one day have its own seating. I love Christmas decor!

We are finally putting the TV up on the wall in the living room! Now when the kids have a sleepover in the basement James and I can watch on it rather than on the tiny computer screen! We bought a new mount so that it can be moved into different positions to make it easier to watch from a variety of places(library and living room)! We also had to buy a new chromecast for the upstairs TV as the other one no longer works. TV up and working with the new chromecast! Now at some point James would like to get something to hide the cord in the wall. He really likes projects so it might be done before winter is over if he gets bored!

Our washing machine has not been fixed. In fact it will be over a week before they can even come and look at it. Then depending what is wrong with it up to 12 weeks for the parts to come in for them to fix it. This could be 6 months with no washer. We went into Olds for Christmas shopping and decided to look at Otto's to see what they have and check prices in case we need to buy a new washer before it can be fixed, If you live in the area and are looking for appliances I highly recommend Otto's! They are great to buy from plus any of the appliances they sell they also repair. It cuts out the having to deal with a third party to do the repairs, plus they also deal directly with their extended warranty people. Saves time! We had this problem with a dishwasher under manufacturer warranty we bought from Lowes in the old house. We went with Otto's for the next and will never go back to buying elsewhere! I will keep you updated about how this goes, but hoping to convince the extended warranty people to pay at least a little towards a new one so we can maybe have a washer in the next couple weeks. I need to be able to do laundry here. It costs so much to go to a coin operated laundry and is a lot to haul it in and spend a day doing it if I can't do it at work (I have the best boss). Even doing it at work is difficult and I can't get as much as I need to done in that time. We will see what happens.

Thanks for you patience and talk to you next week! Hope you all have a awesome week! Bye!

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