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The Internet!

Updated: Jun 11, 2021

Who knew that the most difficult part of the move would actually be the internet? I am currently writing this blog post and will probably start a couple others (since they are project related) on note pad, which is the worst program for writing anything more than a list. I mean seriously, does the page ever end? How do you easily read back to check what you have written? Cue hair pulling. Back the the internet... We started out with trying Telus Hub, which sounded great and since we have many other services through them we went with it. This did not work out great. We were unable to get a great signal and when we did, had spotty internet. Sometimes it would connect for several minutes, couple seconds or not be able to handle loading things. Which when most things run with the internet makes life frustrating at times. I have not missed watching the variety of shows on Netflix or other streaming services that badly. I do however miss ordering groceries online for pickup, being able to check my work schedule, update family via social media, etc.

We have Airenet coming on Thursday (this is Tuesday), so hopefully the internet will be connected then. My husband will definitely need it for when his vacation from work is over. The plus side of no internet is that the kids spend way more time outside, on the trampoline, playing with their toys, etc. Tonight we even spent an hour flying kites; I got some great photos! They had so much fun. I had forgotten how relaxing it can be to fly a kite.

Today we also started a project that when completed I will post the blog about. I got to use tools and pull weeds again. The kids played on the trampoline or chased the dog while my husband and I got this project started. I am so excited to see how this one looks!!

Ahh and here I am back on Thursday, and guess what?!? We have internet! It is great! A little slower to load some things, but the best part is it works!!!! Also no more notepad for me, thank goodness! We haven't had the chance to work more on the project I mentioned above since it has been raining so much. The dog got his hair cut though and looks so much better and can actually see out of his eyes!

He was not impressed with his spa day. This dog pouted all day following his appointment, though he did find some energy to come fly kites with us later that evening.

Our daughter told us this week that she is glad we moved here. She loves everything about our new house and how much space there is to run and play. This was nice to hear since she was the most reluctant about moving. So everything is looking good and hopefully tomorrow the rain stays away so we can move ahead with a couple of the projects and finish some yard work. Back to work this weekend for me and Monday for my Husband. Wishing you all wonderful weekend!

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