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The Kid's Rooms


We worked hard all through December and got the kids rooms pretty much complete. James even managed to do some more work on my craft room! My t-shirt making has gotten more exciting as well! It was a busy month and a bit! Let's start with the kid's rooms.

Our Daughters room: She wanted to have a rainbow inspired room. She chose a light blue for all the walls.

The Cleanest her room ever is!
The Cleanest her room ever is!

Now that all the walls had two coats of blue, James got started prepping to paint a rainbow! He decided to trace the lines and then free hand it. It turned out very nice.

Step one: Red, Yellow, Blue
Step one: Red, Yellow, Blue

Step 2: The yellow needed a lot of coats so could only add the purple
Step 2: The yellow needed a lot of coats so could only add the purple

Step 3: Add Orange and Green
Step 3: Add Orange and Green

Now the rainbow is finished. It took about a week to do. I now need to get some white vinyl to finish off the rainbow with some clouds. Her room was all back together in time for Christmas!

It will never be this clean again :'(!
It will never be this clean again :'(!

Stuffies are finally out of my laundry room!
Stuffies are finally out of my laundry room!

Her picture wall! Quilt by her Gramma Crozier!
Her picture wall! Quilt by her Gramma Crozier!

Our son's room: He chose to go with a dark blue and light grey. Over one of the walls he also wanted a stone wallpaper! He was going for a castle vibe. I still have to do the vinyl pandas and dragons he wants, but the rest was done by Christmas!

Step one: First coat of blue. It took three coats to get to the next picture
Step one: First coat of blue. It took three coats to get to the next picture

Step two: The grey walls
Step two: The grey walls

Done with the grey
Done with the grey

Step three: wall paper up
Step three: wall paper up

Step four: Put it back together! Ignore some of the suitcases, my mom came to stay for a couple days while we finished up!
Step four: Put it back together! Ignore some of the suitcases, my mom came to stay for a couple days while we finished up!

After we finished the rooms, I changed up the gym again and was going to show the pictures of the basement. I, however, have a problem. I apparently can't stop messing with it. We got a stair climber a few days ago which means I need to move everything again. I will do this and get back to you later!

Okay I really need to get back into writing the blog on a regular basis. I started writing this a few weeks ago. Between normal life, some craziness and flu/cold season I just haven't finished, or added the other things I planned to talk about. I'm posting this one and I will be back with the other updates. Talk to you all later! BYYYYEE



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