We worked hard all through December and got the kids rooms pretty much complete. James even managed to do some more work on my craft room! My t-shirt making has gotten more exciting as well! It was a busy month and a bit! Let's start with the kid's rooms.
Our Daughters room: She wanted to have a rainbow inspired room. She chose a light blue for all the walls.

Now that all the walls had two coats of blue, James got started prepping to paint a rainbow! He decided to trace the lines and then free hand it. It turned out very nice.

Now the rainbow is finished. It took about a week to do. I now need to get some white vinyl to finish off the rainbow with some clouds. Her room was all back together in time for Christmas!

Our son's room: He chose to go with a dark blue and light grey. Over one of the walls he also wanted a stone wallpaper! He was going for a castle vibe. I still have to do the vinyl pandas and dragons he wants, but the rest was done by Christmas!

After we finished the rooms, I changed up the gym again and was going to show the pictures of the basement. I, however, have a problem. I apparently can't stop messing with it. We got a stair climber a few days ago which means I need to move everything again. I will do this and get back to you later!
Okay I really need to get back into writing the blog on a regular basis. I started writing this a few weeks ago. Between normal life, some craziness and flu/cold season I just haven't finished, or added the other things I planned to talk about. I'm posting this one and I will be back with the other updates. Talk to you all later! BYYYYEE