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Time really got away from Me..

Sorry this has taken so long for me to write. I meant to write and get out the blog post on Tuesday. On the plus side both my husband and I got our last vaccine for covid! We both ended up getting sick with fever, headache, body aches and exhaustion, so I didn't feel well enough to focus on the computer or for much else. We are excited that with the province re opening that we have both vaccines to increase our chances of not getting ill. So on to what we did for the last few weeks.

The weekend was very interesting. I knew I would have to quit my job at some point as we moved more than 30 minutes away, and at minimum wage it isn't worth driving that far. I talked to my husband and we decided I should quit now and we will get the house and yard organized and plans made for next year before I get another job in the fall. As our son goes to kindergarten as well hopefully I can work more days during the week and have less work days on the weekend. My goal is to work the days he is in kindergarten and some days on weekends. So on Sunday I gave my two weeks notice at work.

Tuesday this week as I mentioned above my husband and I got our last vaccine. We went to Red Deer for this as we could get in earlier then where we live. As we were both going we took the kids with us and took our turns going in while one stayed with the kids(got appointments almost an hour apart). I had to sit for 30 minutes instead of the usual 15 since I have an allergy to wasps. The kids were excited and a little nervous to come with us, because we were also going out for supper. The kids and us haven't been anywhere in over a year. We have ordered pick up from restaurants but they have been mostly closed to in person dining so it had been a long time. They did really well and sat great, and our daughter was no longer scared. The restaurant also had a sign outside that said "any unattended children would be given an espresso and a kitten". We thought that was hilarious, and definitely made sure our kids didn't wander.

Our daughter graduated from Kindergarten this week!! We are so proud of her for dealing with school in such a difficult time. We are also so grateful to her teacher and the aides in her class for making this such a good year even with all the in and out!

I did not get much done for the rest of the week outside between being sick and tired. We did get laundry, house work and a little gardening done starting Thursday evening when we started to feel better, but no progress on our big projects. This week was such nice weather too. Rain and not too hot.

Starting this weekend and most of next week we will have to be up and outside early if we hope to get to work on our projects, because whew it is going to be hot!! Our compost pile definitely needs work done since our dog has decided the fruit and veg scraps in the garden are the best treats. He has been raiding the pile every time we put anything in there.

One last thing. More flowers have bloomed including the rose bushes and they are so pretty!

And just because; pictures from a walk in the evening! Our house is very close to a large wetland. There are several ponds and small creeks, including one that runs right at the edge of our property! They are beautiful and have lots of water birds! Also saw 3 owls many different times throughout the week!

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