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Tractors suck!

Ok, really old tractors suck. If we could afford to replace it, we totally would. If it breaks down or does anything that it shouldn't again I may take a sledge hammer to it for shits and giggles. Despite it's spotty working we still got a lot done the rest of the week and over the weekend. Which is great since I go back to work Tuesday and Monday is an appointment in Drumheller for James.

The garden boxes are all built. Now we need to get an order of dirt and finish putting the barrier down in them. We got the last two done today(Sunday).

The garden is really starting to come together! Plants are coming up and the berry bushes are really growing great this year! We already have some haskop berries coming!

Radishes and carrots are starting to come up and maybe one of the leafy greens!

Lilacs just cause they were looking pretty today!

I forgot to take a updates photo of the raspberries but they are also growing very well!

Now as you can see the garden is mowed in some of the photos and I mowed the rest of the grass today. On Saturday I mowed the center of our drive way. Now this is where the annoyance with the tractor comes in. It stopped working Friday when I tried to do the mowing. Thankfully it rained a little and we had other stuff to do. Saturday came and it still wasn't working so to hand mowing I went. The center area is all hill. Pushing that mower up and down takes a lot of effort. Stupid tractor. James was working on the tractor to see if it was the starter having issues and took apart the whole thing. Nope that wasn't it. He put it all back together and it randomly started working again. We then took a break because some friends of ours came out for a visit. After they left. I figured I would do a quick mow with the tractor and finish off the area I paused on before our friends arrived. The push mower had stalled and I had got some wood wedge in it and when I tipped it on its side to get the wood out the oil flooded the engine, meaning I had to let it rest. Perfect right since the tractor is working. Wrong! I got three passes, finished the one area and had just moved onto our back yard.... I got not even one pass over half the yard when the tractor again randomly died. I got it started again and made it a little farther when again it died!!! I then pushed the tractor back to James' work shed. Now at this point I was tired, sore and done with the day. Sunday would be a new day.

Sunday dawned and James went out just before me and got the tractor running again! Yay! I got several passes done and then it quit again. I finished using the push mower. Thankfully the rest wasn't up hills.

We also got the front and side of the deck cladded with the old deck boards to hide the grossness that is under the deck. I finally got the sunflower decoration ,that I got for mothers day three years ago, hung up.

The welcome sign is also hung on this wall, I apparently didn't take the photo of it actually hung.

Now here is some just random photos I took while we were out doing yard work. I am pretty sure I am missing some other stuff we did or such but I am mentally wiped from this last week.

We have some baby robins! This nest is on the front of our chemical shed.

Momma bird!

Thor digging his cool dirt hole under the stairs. It gets bigger every week.

A very beautiful rainbow as we drove to my parents home after getting the news of my dad's death.

Well that is all for probably the next couple weeks maybe even longer as I don't know when I will have the time to sit down and blog. I am back to work on Monday and will be coming back to Kindersley whenever I can. We have invited my mom to come for her birthday and stay with us through Fathers day. There will be lots of pictures coming at least when I do come back. Talk to you all later.

*Sorry for the lack of editing my brain isn't working well enough at the moment.

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