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We are Alive!

My goodness I really dropped the ball here. I have been a very busy exhausted little bee and by the time I got things done I just wanted to sleep. Now that we are approaching the school Christmas break I will get caught up on all the things I have been up to and catch you all up to where we are now!

Hahaha.. I just actually reread the last blog I just posted to see what I have missed. This might be many many blogs. Where to start?.. Maybe I should start with the teaser I gave so long ago about our basement! Yes, that is where I shall start.

I tore it down! Mwah haha! Ok, not all of it. Just a wall. I have been wanting to open up our lego room/gym for awhile as it was dark in the lego room and a weirdly shaped room for the family room/craft room. Well, during a rough patch emotially on the current roller coaster we are on, I convinced James that I should do it now and by now I mean a month ago. Here is where I started:

Yes my lovely children made a huge mess and maybe my parental rage needed to be exercised upon the wall. The lovely gray wall that my beautiful son is next too.

To begin I had them clean their mess(no photo evidence), and yes we are all still emotionally scarred from that process. Hence no photos. Next I scared my children by ripping the drywall down with my bare hands.

Apparently I was wrong, here you can see my daughter, very upset, that I expect her to clean up the mess she made. Also the trim is down!

First piece of drywall down!

A little rage demolition from the kiddos as well!

Wall down!

Now as I moved along through the stages of the demo I cleaned and moved items. I will be doing this for awhile yet. I am very proud of myself as other than the little help from the kiddos, I have been doing this project all alone! I will just give you some photos now, talk later.

Carpet removal, ick so many dead spiders and weird wormy things!

Time for the laminate to come out and join the carpet. Still lots of dead spiders. At this point I was just glad they were dead.

No floor and tv area up and not in currrent position(made changes as I set up more areas). We aren't putting in new flooring until the kids are a little less destructive.

New game area!

The areas I have set up to date and yes I did take pictures around the worst of my need organization areas.

This is where I left off. I am at the need to haul it all to the dump and organize and clean all the lego(one word:mice). Now you are caught up on this project. I plan on doing a good amount over break as long as I can since I won't be working for 2 weeks! Ok. Well here is where I will leave you for this blog. Just a notice, since I fired my editor don't expect my blogs to always make sense and there will be spelling and grammar mistakes even more. I also ramble more. He edited a lot of the rambling. Talk to you all later!

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