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We are back!

Okay we never actually went anywhere, life just got busy. It sure has been an adjustment. It has been a long time since I worked full time. The past two weeks has been all of us getting used to me not being home most days, daycare for our son and plans we have finally moving forward!

Since I am a little behind on the happenings. Lets begin with the beginning of March. I started work (which I am loving), our son started daycare (he is also loving it) and my daughter is excited to see me at school every day. We are also happy about the extra income with gas prices and food prices continuing to go up. Here is to hoping this position will become a permanent contract next year! Then to top off an already crazy week we moved forward with our plans to have chickens. We had bought the stuff to make their little house in Feb., but we also finally ordered our chickens!

This time we ordered all female chickens as we are not looking to breed our own, currently. They are Barred Plymouth Rock chickens. We also got all the things we will need to care for the chicks as well as continue to raise them after they move outside. They are arriving April 7th! So you can all look forward to chicken raising ups and downs starting then. We have decided to raise some of them through the winter so will also be converting the one chicken coop we still have in the yard to a winter coop. The weather has even decided to cooperate so James has made some progress on building the chick shaw.

This is the bottom of the chick shaw! It is mesh so that the droppings can just fall right out. Our son was so happy to help his dad build.

Here we have the brood container, heat lamp, feeder, waterer, and out door set up for when they are old enough to go outside.

Then to top it off we have been running around getting the kids and ourselves the clothes we need for a friends wedding. They are going to be the flower girl and the ring bearer! Then we have been getting them ready for their gymnastics showcase, as well! The gymnastics showcase is this coming Saturday and the wedding is the next Friday. Thankfully it is a day off work/school for the kids and I. They are very excited about the wedding! Busy month for all of us.

Next weekend we will also begin our planting the seeds that need to be started 6-8 weeks early. This year seems to be going by so fast. I will be starting to take pictures weekly of the garden updates. Wish us luck over the next few weeks!

Oh I almost forgot. We also went to Lowes after we had finished at the mall and Costco and picked up paint! The paint is blue and for our bedroom. I have painted a test patch for the colours so we can decide exactly what we are going to do. Now I guess you can look forward to planting, chickens and painting updates.

And that has brought us up to today. Hope you all have had a great couple of weeks! Talk to you all again next week!

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