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Well that got Away From Me!

Hey Guys. Sorry that has been so long. I kinda left it hanging there on with the washing machine didn't I? Well, let me just jump right in with updates.

Okay, the washing machine. It got fixed! Thankfully the company did show up on the 6th of December and had all the parts too! Thank goodness as the hauling laundry all over the place really got tedious. After this life got a little crazy getting ready for Christmas and catching up on the laundry that I had obviously gotten behind on.

Christmas was wonderful! For the first time in four years we got to go to my parents for Christmas! The best part being that my niece and nephew were with my brother this year! The kids had a wonderful time hanging out with their cousins! We got back from their place and the kids had appointments for their very first COVID shot! I had my third shot the same day and am still a little sad I never got the cute COVID shot sticker they gave the kids. Then it was time to prepare the house for round two of Christmas! Thankfully the kids didn't get more than a slight fever for 24 hours. James' parents and his brother were able to come join us for New Years! The kids even managed to stay up until midnight! Well that wraps up the holidays!

On the first day of 2022 I was finally able to order the exercise bike that I wanted, so off to a good start! One day later we went to pick it up! The next purchase we made was for the garden. We ordered the seeds for this years garden! Not very much of each as we are going to try different varieties to see what grows best and try different locations for some as well. The supplier is T and T seeds from Manitoba.

I am going to go into more detail on the seeds, so feel free to skip ahead. I will got alphabetically. Basil(lemon and sweet), these are going in both the herb garden and the rock garden, I want to make a couple herb spirals. Beans( blue lake, burpees tenderpod, gold rush,purple royal), these are all going in the veggie garden, mixed with the corn and squash. Cantaloupe(Delicious), this has to be started a few weeks early. We only got one variety as the days to maturity is 105. Carrot(Denvers Red Cored, Little Finger, Royal Chantenay, Nante Coreless), to go in the veggie garden. We chose so many varieties as I have plans to try different canning methods and maybe sell some at a farmers market. Chamomile, for the rock garden. Chickpeas(orion), going in the veggie garden. We chose the shortest growing season hoping it might work out. Clover(Annual Subterranean), this is for ground cover in the veggie garden it is supposed to help with weed control and to prevent spreading you just mow frequently. Corn(Peaches and Cream, Trinity Bi-Colour, Northern Extra Sweet), veggie garden to be planted in square formations as the three sisters(corn, beans or peas and squash). We got the shortest growing season types we could. This will be the last time we do corn if none of them work out. Cucumber(Sweeter Yet, Long Green, Homemade Pickles, Straight Eight, Cucamelon), veggie garden. Dill, into herb garden maybe even the veggie garden. Eggplant, we have tried before and we got to the white egg looking stage so this year with the green house we are going to try growing it in there. We love eggplant so I really hope it works! Then we have the greens. Kale(Premier), lettuce(Prize Head, Butterhead Mirlo, Mesclun Mix), Spinach(Giant Noble, Imperial Green). We really like spinach. The kids like to eat it and the leaf lettuce right out of the garden! We are also trying a type of head lettuce this year. Lavender( Lady and unnamed), herb garden and rock garden. Lemon Balm, rock, herb garden and possibly deck pots, it is supposed to repel different bugs. Mint(regular, spearmint, peppermint), mice don't like it so it will be in the herb garden and also around areas we want a natural mouse control in place. Onion(annual bunching), veggie garden near the garlic(not listed as it is perennial and already in the garden). Parsley, herb garden. Peas(green arrow, laxtons progress, homesteaders, snow peas), in the veggie garden mixed with the corn. Peppers(marconi red, north star, early prolific), now these ones will be grown in both the garden and in the greenhouse. The maturity dates vary from 55 to 80. Whichever varieties produce enough we will do again. We are hoping for all three but would settle for one. Pumpkin(Neon, Jack-O-Lantern), veggie garden. These we don't have high hopes for since they can't be grown in our green house and the shortest maturity date is 80 days. Radish(Watermelon,Champion), veggie garden and I am very excited to see the Watermelon variety! Tomatoes(Beef Steak, Jelly Bean, Tumbler F1, Yellow Pear Shaped), veggie garden and green house. Zucchini(Midnight Noche), veggie garden mixed among the corn. We may pick another variety yet. We also ordered our seed potatoes(Yellow, Purple, Red) but they will not ship until closed to spring. We are all very excited about the garden this year, plus hopefully the berry bushes and such will bear fruit!

Now to house projects. We got the fire detectors changed out for fire and carbon monoxide detectors. I know not a very fun change but a necessary one. We finally decided that we will be painting our room this winter and leave the rest until later. James and I just have to decide if we are going to go with blue or green. When we have decided I will post those colours. We want a lighter colour up top and darker one on the bottom of the wall, with decorative details. We moved some furniture around, and also organized and fully set up the library. So far these are the only changes to the inside we will be doing for the next few months.

The kids are still in school so far! Hopefully that will continue and we remain healthy. That is all the updates up for now! Keep well and talk to you later! Now for pictures!

Celebrated our son's birthday at Zoolights since once again he couldn't have a party!

His Birthday Cake!


Learning to hand sew! Making a panda donut!

A boy and his dog!

I love the look of the trees in the winter

New phone pop it, also how life feels some days.

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