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Well that was a week

This past week was all about getting all the things we bought set up and ready to use and ready to send the kids to school. There was the desk in the office, Lego table, water tote, and a few other things.

James' desk is working quite well. He has all the stuff set up and ready to use. The best part is that the boxes that belonged in the office are out of my craft room! I don't have recent pictures of this. Now he just has to empty the boxes and sort the things into the places they belong.

My craft room is getting messier from how it looks right now;even though I am trying to get it organized a little at a time. Why is it that it must look worse to get better? The Lego table at least adds some storage space for some of the Lego stuff. It also looks awesome! James did a very good job building it, of course our son helped. I am looking forward to spending the couple cooler days this coming week really getting the room organized.

Now for the fully completed project! Well sort of. The water tote. We bought a 500 litre water tote second hand with the idea of putting it at the down spouts from the house to collect rain water. Eventually we would like to have one for three of the other down spouts. Then we can use the water to water the gardens and other plants. It should be better than using the well water and certainly cheaper than using the town water. This one is set up and ready for use. Now we just need some steady rain!

The above picture is what it started as. We had to detach the flexible part of the down spout, then saw the hard metal part shorter to accommodate the water tote.

So after the above steps were done James decided it would be better is we put it up on blocks to make the water flow out better! He set them up and got them level.

Here it is all set up. We reattached the flexible hose and done! Since it was set up we had brief rain showers and now we have some rain water! Now we just need to buy three more tote and repeat. We will likely have to wait until next year to complete this project.

Everything got a little exciting on the weekend. My in-laws, who bought our old house so they could move here and we could buy our slice of heaven, have not had luck selling their house in Maple Creek. :(. So they have decided not to keep both properties running, which makes sense but makes everyone a little sad. They have decided to list the old house while also keeping the house in Maple Creek listed until one or both sell. Well they were down for the weekend doing some prep to list the house, when the agent they are going to list with texted to say that someone looking at houses in the price range they are planning on listing for would be here from another province for the weekend. This lead to a crazy quick clean of the house ,since they thought they would have at least a week until photos would be taken, it was not show ready clean. We all spent the day helping with what we could and we will see if anything comes from the showing. Though if anyone is looking to buy a house in Maple Creek Saskatchewan, I know a very nice house for a very good price! If the house here sells before the one in Maple Creek they will wait til the house sells then look for another one. It would have been the best if it had all worked out as planned. That was our Saturday.

Now Sunday, whew. We ended up being up so late that we slept way in. This did not help us be productive. James and the kids did go to a gun show to meet a long time friend of ours for a quick visit then he followed James back here for more of a visit and so he could see where the house is! The house can be hard to find if you don't know exactly what you are looking for. You can't see the house from the road and the drive way is hidden. Now the next time he comes out he should be able to find his way!! This was pretty much all we accomplished this day. My in-laws came out for dinner as well and brought Watson, Odin was very happy about this! Odin ran around so hard that he crashed and slept very well. Now it is Monday, yes I know late again with the blog, and my children both begin school soon. My baby is now old enough to go to kindergarten. Now I am feeling old so here is where I will leave it. I will update on what I get done when I have no kiddos around to help, how there first week of school goes and anything else that happens! Talk to you all later.

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