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Well, we got a lot of things.

This past week was a busy one. We didn't get a ton done but we sure bought a lot of things to get stuff done. We drove all over the place to pick up the things then brought them home to set up.

I will start with the garden since that is where most of the work I did this week happened. I got a lot more of the garden weeded (when it wasn't raining at least). The garden has been doing well. I am hopeful that as long as it doesn't snow in the next month we should have a good amount of corn to harvest, plus green beans and maybe even some zucchini. We got at least 15 tomatoes and one pepper this week! The tomatoes are tasty. I have only had one as our son's favourite garden activity is to pick the ripe ones and eat them immediately. We can't complain as he is at least eating and enjoying fresh veggies. Here are some pictures of the garden! Ignore the crispy leaves on the tomato plant the heat was not kind to them and didn't stop it from producing a large amount of fruit and still going!

Behind the corn in this last photo you can see the tall grass and our only remaining horse shelter. Next year we are hopefully going to expand the garden into there and plant grain crops like corn and hopefully some chickpeas!

Now as mentioned in the above we bought a lot of things this past week. First, school supplies, so many supplies. I still can't fully believe that both my kids will be in school starting the end of the month. Also, got them signed up for gymnastics! Second, new lights since our daughter was playing with the old one and broke it. Luckily I didn't like the old light so it was nice to have an excuse to replace it sooner! Then there was the solar panel, a water tote, three desks( Yes, really THREE...) and more mouse traps. Now the things for the house that we bought were mostly covered by things we sold this week thankfully. We finally sold the hay bails in the Sea Can and a few other things.

The solar panel is for the green house. We are going to convert it to run off solar power so we don't have to add that to the electricity bill next year when we really use it. The water tote, though we still need three more, are to collect rain water from the house to use to water the garden, I guess all the gardens technically. The one we got this week will be perfect for the small garden attached to the deck and for the future rock garden. At least two of the others need to be larger to be able to hold water to cover a very large space.

Now the desks. They are awesome. We had a wonderful built in U-shaped desk in the old house. And since we couldn't take that with is, we needed something here for James' office. Now if we just needed one for James' office why did we buy three you may ask. Well, I have always used temporary folding tables in my craft room, so when I was looking for second hand desks I found a couple that were very cheap and figured that they would work great in my craft room! The plus side to all of this is now we can finally unpack the last few boxes of office stuff and craft stuff. I will finally be able to work on crafts in my new space, plus have room to put in the table James built for our Lego! I even remembered to take photos! First the desk set up in the office! We still need to organize and shift stuff around!

Now the desks in the craft room! Now I have the U shape desk! I also have a lot of sorting and organizing to do.....

And because I love them so much our new lights! It is actually so much brighter in the Dining room with them! Don't tell my daughter that I am happy she broke the light.

Now this was a lot of things and we still have a lot of sorting to do. Our son also had a big week! He finally rode his bike without training wheels! It was a huge milestone. He has fallen a few times but keeps getting back up! Our daughter finally rode her bigger bike that she has been to nervous to try! They were both unsure about riding on gravel since they have only biked on pavement before. They rocked it this week!

Now I had better get back to my baking and organizing the craft room! Sorry this blog is a little late again. If said baking turns out I will share the recipes with you all. Talk to you all next week.

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