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We have had quite a productive week! We got several projects completed or started! I even have some pictures for this blog! Less reading for you all. Where to begin? I guess the beginning of the week is the best place.

The first few days were not great, both kids still had a little bit of a cough so we were hanging out at home, Our son was able to go back to school on Wednesday, while our daughter had to be out the rest of the week so she got lots of relaxing time. Then came Friday!

Everyone had the day off on Friday, so we decided each person would get to pick a activity to do with everyone. Our son chose video games; our daughter chose a drawing tutorial! We got to draw a waterfall and a monster candy corn. I chose a walk with the whole family to go see what the beaver has been up to. I suppose I haven't talked about the beaver on here before, We live close to the TransCanada trail and take walks down it with the dog all the time. A beaver lives a little ways down the path by the creek and we now know the busy beaver saying is very accurate. Here are some pictures of his/her work.

These first two pictures are trees that he has downed in just the last week and is working on the third. The front tree is not a small tree either took him/her 3 days to take it down.

The beaver then slowly removes the larger branches while also working on the next tree. That third tree is about to fall. And timber..... There have been times that the trees have fallen across the path and have to be moved to get by. Odin loves to go investigate all the places the beaver has been.

Then came Saturday. Of course our washing machine is still leaking so I had to finally take the clothes into Olds to the laundromat. I will admit though it is quite expensive to use them. I was able to do 6 loads of laundry in under two hours with washing, drying and folding! However 30 dollars was a lot of money. We may have to beg family and friends in the area to do small loads at their house and get visits in at the same time. While I was doing that the kids and the husband went to the store to get trim and paint for projects in the house plus costumes for the kids for Halloween! The kids have decided to be a Dragon Rider and a Witch! We also ended up decorating the house despite no one being able to come out to see said decorations, but the kids enjoyed it! Our son thinks we should decorate the whole house like a haunted house and leave it up all year..... The kids were so good on the shopping trip that we treated them to a goody and two books each from Pandora Booxs in Olds! Best store ever, it is in an old bank building (1910) made of brick! They have used books, most are at least half the price that the new in store books are. They often have ones that are like new and still 50% cheaper. Also they have yummy and varied tea! The kids loved it too! Now on to projects!

The wood wall in the Living room which I have a post about removing the wood! Well, we have finally begun the work to replace the wood and hopefully will have it completed before I write the next blog. The paint the Hubs went to buy was for that wall. We got flat black paint on the recommendation of the person mixing the paint. I was so excited that I decided that we would do the painting on Sunday! It is done and I returned the plug and switch covers. Tomorrow James is going to get the glue for the wood to put it back up. We decided to do glue since the nails did not keep the wood on the walls. Our son kept knocking pieces off, which is how this project got started. The colour under the wood is not a nice colour, it showed through quite a bit. Now I will stop writing about this and just get to the pictures.

Here is what it looked like post wood and pre paint. Ick, am I right? Also apparently it was dark green at some point.

Mid paint and boy is it black and we can never change our minds, ever. Our daughter was very helpful!

And full black. I know it isn't perfect but we didn't need perfect coverage. Some spots here are still drying hence the glossy bits. So black.....

And hopefully next week I can show you the finished product and we will be happy with it!

Now the second project. We have a large cold air return in the dining room (didn't take before pictures), that has been a bit of a pain. The cover would fall in whenever the boy or the dog would run into it or it something hit it. Not very convenient. So we decided to get one that screws into the wall fully. Now to remove for cleaning or anything may be a pain but at least we wont be fishing it out of the hole every other day. The cover we bought I think goes with the style of the house! It isn't quite done; James is going to place trim all the way around it to make it look pretty. Here it is as of right now though! (If I am lucky it will be finished before the next blog as well.) Sigh apparently the photo doesn't want to upload so I will show you the partial done and finished pictures next week.

Now for the most exciting part. The horses have arrived! They came on Sunday. I won't post pictures or names of horse/people as they are not ours, I made it to 24 hours after arrival to go into pasture with them. My kids really wanted to go see them. They have been told that can have to go with an adult so of course I had to go. They are so beautiful, and darn it, I miss horses so bad. I am paying the price now with itchy eyes and skin. Will I learn and stay away? No, no I won't. They are just to awesome. Looks like I may have to stock up on more allergy meds, eye drops and maybe some goggles. The horses are very nice! Our son keeps trying to feed them grass. And no I am not saying that it is wrong considering they enjoy grass, but they are literally standing in a field full of grass and he doesn't get why they won't always take the stuff he is offering.... My daughter is even more determined that we should get some of our own. Considering how just going out and being around them has me feeling she will have to wait til she can do all of their care/brushing.

And all that brings us to now. Me typing about our week. I hope you enjoy reading about it almost as much as we had fun doing all the things. Talk to you all later, I am off to take allergy meds and eye drops! Enjoy some final random pictures!

The path!

Staring down the big animals that won't play with him....

A boy, his dog and a field what could be better?

These two ready for Halloween!

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